We want to tell a story...
The two mid-twenties Nora and Paul are about to leave their long-term love relationship.
The move into a shared flat develops as a straitjacket for both of them.
They make the decision to break up. The farewell and cold marked adoption fails, it’s too hard to leave. Using a bottle of vodka and cheesy music Nora tries to de-dramatize the mood.
In a dance, the two approach again and fall into physical ecstasy, from which they dissolve disillusioned.

...in our way...
The topic of Young Love has been exhausted. There are tons of kitschy love movies that also tell of a breakup.
We want to tackle the topic differently! And honestly show a story that everyone has experienced in their own way. By developing on the levels of film, music and painting, we want to give the subject the freedom to unfold from multiple perspectives.
With this motivation, we work on the implementation of the film and with this we want to bring this project also the audience - you. The aim of our work is to be an impulse for people to deal with their own history. We want to give a platform for discussions and a creative exchange on this topic.
Based on this vision, we plan to shoot the short film in the summer of 2019. And to work on in the following months to present it to you in the beginning of 2020 suitable for cinema.
...and therefore we need your support!
We are a young and focused team from various industries coming together to tell the story of Paul and Nora.
In a testshoot, we recognized the potential, which is why we do not want the quality to be reduced due to financial resources. Our wish is that the interdisciplinary branches will be allowed to unfold without restrictions.
The budget is divided into:
35% camera equipment, 2% sound, 3% post-production, 20% light equipment, 15% art-production and props, 15% film festival exploitation, 5% catering and travel expenses