«AMANTI» CD recording

by bettinasimon


Support us in producing a thrilling CD recording, showcasing the talent of singer and multi-instrumentalist Bettina Simon!

EUR 10’058

100% of EUR 10’000

100 %
This is how it works

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

38 backers

Successfully concluded on 16/6/2024


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  • Merci beaucoup pour votre soutien chère Vivian!❤️

    bettinasimon on 15/6/2024 10:41

  • Un musée sur l'opéra a faire en Suisse

    Vivian Crettol on 15/6/2024 10:25

  • Grazie mille caro Daniele! Il tuo sostegno significa così tanto per me!❤️

    bettinasimon on 22/5/2024 14:48

  • Per la straordinaria qualità delle interpreti a cominciare da Bettina Simon

    Daniele D'Ilario on 22/5/2024 14:41