Change begins with me.
The book encourages understanding and acceptance of people with different sexual orientations, encourages parents, teachers and governments to promote sex education at homes, schools and in the media. This campaign does not only instill confidence in young people, it saves the world from hate speech and reduces risks of HIV/AIDS. Ignorance, in my opinion, is a threat to the world.
My project is special because we are all unique in different ways but one flesh and blood.
I spent 8 years in Xian, China, where I taught kids and adults. During my long stay, I witnessed incidents of violence and discrimination against the LGBT community. Also, sex education is avoided like a plague in schools and the media, a situation which leaves young people at great risks. Worse still, parents do not only withdraw from the subject, they criticize its inclusion in the education curriculum. This has led to protests against the government in many cities. I do believe that a conservative culture in China and some parts of the world, especially with regards to a well-rounded education and total freedom for all humans, should be eliminated or at best, controlled for a minimal effect.
This is what I need backing for.
I need 2,800 Euros to be paid to (Austin Macauley) a U.K.-based publishing company handling my book project. The amount is my share of the publishing cost which I cannot afford but the book has been approved since 4 July, 2018.