L’objectif est de créer un portrait de Marseille dans un guide architectural qui discute et explique le développement urbain, l’architecture et la complexité de la ville en environ 200 pages.

EUR 7’225

103% di EUR 7’000

103 %
Come funzionaä

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

52 sostenitori

Concluso con successo il 29.1.2021

Merci vielmals! Danke & thank you for your support!Di Carina Kurta CaP.CULT, il 02.02.2021

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Dear friends & supporters,

it worked! Yay!

I would like to thank you, you and everyone involved from the bottom of my heart for believing in the realisation of my project and for supporting me !

Finally I can swip from the financing phase on to conceptualising, researching, updating, collecting, writing, contacting authors and architects…. in other words, I have a huge mountain of work ahead of me, which is really motivating. Since this is a comprehensive, detailed and (graphically) complex publication and there will also be room for guest comments, it will probably take a while. It’s a bit difficult for me to estimate how long it will take to finish, I’m trying to use this calm period and home office to get a considerable part done this year and the publication can come out in 2021. But don’t worry, I’m on it and will keep you posted on where the project is at the moment!

Now it only remains for me to wish you all the best for the coming months & stay healthy!

Carina Kurta