Seven film makers from Ex-Yugoslavia are going on a road trip together from Macedonia to Winterthur to visit the International Short Film Festival in November 2012.

CHF 19’660

112% of CHF 17’550

112 %
This is how it worksä

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

79 backers

Successfully concluded on 20/9/2013

«Balkan Xpress» is a special road trip which will end in an exhibition in the context of the International Short Film Festival. Only with your help we are going to realise this road trip. In exchange we will shoot the trip, documenting it with pictures and interviewing the filmmakers and you will experience a unique exhibition from 06.-11.11.2012 in Winterthu

Project description

The International Short Film Festival Winterthur will bring the seven filmmakers from the Balkan together. With the «Balkan Xpress» they start a journey of a week including screening nights where ever they stop. This adventure will happen from the 26. October to the 11. November 2012. The filmmakers will be picked up in one of the below mentioned cities and with every stopover the the group will grow.

Intended destinations are:

  • Skopje (Macedonian)
  • Podgorica (Montenegro)
  • Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  • Beograd (Serbia)
  • Zagreb (Croatia)
  • Ljubljana (Slovenia)
  • Winterthur (Switzerland)

The first week of their trip the filmmakers will collect material for the exhibition at the Short Film Festival which is subdivided into a general film of the road trip, interviews and a picture gallery. The preparation for the exhibition will start in the second week: the movie will be finalised in Winterthur, the pictures and interviews will be printed and arranged for the exhibition.

The aim of this get-together is the common journey through Ex-Yugoslavia where the intercommunity and the outstanding adventure should be the goal instead of the disparities. To ensure the intercultural exchange between the members of the road trip and the population we will organise a cinema screening in every city we will stop. The new members of our trip will organise sleeping possibilities for the crew and also the location for the cinema screenings. The cinema night will be open and free for everyone.

  • Road Trip Film: One filmmaker attending the «Balkan Xpress» will realise this movie. The visitors of the Short Film Festival can watch the film on a TV-monitor with headsets and rest for a little while.
  • Interview: Ivana Kvesic (project leader) will interview every filmmaker over their desires, fears and hopes. These conversations will also be shot and showed on the TV. The interview will also be printed and offered to the visitors of the festival. The interaction between the road trip film and the interviews will be in turn.
  • Picture Gallery: Every trip member will receive a single-use camera. These pictures together with the transliterated interviews will illustrate a portrait of the filmmaker.

The exhibition occurs only at the venue of the Short Film Festival (Casino and City Theatre) in Winterthur.

Thanks to your help we can make this project «Balkan Xpress» happen and hit the road with the filmmakers. During this trip they have time to exchange and deepen their know-how, ideas and cooperation possibilities.

International Short Film Festival

The International Short Film Festival Winterthur is Switzerland’s largest short film festival. The festival takes place each year for six days in November since 1997. This year the focus is on the movies from Balkan. With 15’000 spectators this festival is a popular audience event and an important platform for European short films. The festival is established as a very important information and contact platform for short film professionals from Switzerland and Europe. Thanks to the maintaining of the largest short film archive in Switzerland and to the eclectic intermediation actions the Short Film Festival Winterthur, as the Swiss competence centre for the short films, is playing a crucial role during the whole year. The festival is organised by a non-profit club «Kurzfilmtage Winterthur».


Die Internationalen Kurzfilmtage Winterthur sind das wichtigste Kurzfilmfestival der Schweiz und finden seit 1997 jährlich während 6 Tagen im November statt. In diesem Jahr liegt der Fokus auf den Filmen aus dem Balkangebiet. Mit 15’000 Zuschauern sind die Kurzfilmtage ein wichtiger und erfolgreicher Publikumsanlass. Das Festival etablierte sich aber auch als wichtige Informations- und Kontaktplattform für Kurzfilm-Profis aus der Schweiz und Europa. Mit dem Aufbau des grössten Kurzfilmarchivs der Schweiz und dank vielseitiger Vermittlungstätigkeiten spielen die Kurzfilmtage Winterthur als Schweizerisches Kompetenzzentrum für den Kurzfilm während des ganzen Jahres eine wichtige Rolle. Das Festival wird vom nicht-gewinnorientierten Verein «Kurzfilmtage Winterthur» organisiert.