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ar Backers,
BasGame will take place tomorrow, opening doors at 11.00 until 20.00
We expect this edition to be a very popular one! With many activities and rewards for the visitors, besides many hours of high quality gaming!
We have prepared your participations for the WeMakeIt raffle of games, which will take place at 20.00, just after closing doors. All backers are invited to be there and take their prices if they are among the lucky ones.
In the meanwhile, rest and save energy. Tomorrow is going and interesting day!
See you in some hours!
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Less than 48h for BasGame!
We have prepared a very nice set of activities for all visitors, so be ready!
- Fleamarket. More than a hundred of second hand boardgames at very reduced prices.
- Brettspiel-Quest where you can win a set of games from Helvetiq.
- Basel jigsaw.
- Kingdom Builder Tournament.
- Raffle of games.
Hope to see you all there next Saturday!
Happy gaming!
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Finally! The posters are here! Along with the T-shirts (that came last Saturday) this is the last thing we were waiting for.
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They are cute and functional! :-D
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ar fellow gamers,
We made it! BasGame 2015 is possible thanks to you!
But it is not time to rest. For us, the most demanding and also exciting part starts now. We have already began to prepare not only your rewards, but also BasGame itself. We want to have everything ready as soon as possible and we will keep sharing with you all the information related to BasGame 2015, YOUR BasGame.
Speaking from the heart, THANK YOU very much for your support!
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We reached 1800 CHF! Terra Mystica is now added to the raffle!
Terra Mystica is one of the hits of 2012 and nowadays holds the number 2 of the world ranking of board games (boardgamegeek.com). Designed by Jens Drögemüller and Helge Ostertag, this is a game for gamers. Often referred as «Kingdom Builder» in steroids, this game has almost no luck in it. Only pure strategic planning will lead you to the victory.
Terra Mystica delivers a huge amount of bits and pieces, as it can host from 2 to 5 players, each one of them controlling a mystical race with its own special powers.
Via terraforming, the players will build and upgrade their settlements in order to get stronger and deadly powers, magic, money, and extra workers or priests. This will additionally grant them the possibility to pray to the gods, increasing their victory points and their magic.
Terra Mystica is an asymmetric game that includes 14 very different races, which increases the re-playability enormously. Besides that, it delivers one of the most innovative ways of dealing with magic, jointly with very interesting mechanics. In spite of being a strategic Eurogame, Terra Mystica encourages player interaction in several ways, and the turns are really fast, with almost no drag time. This is definitely one of the best games that one can find out there, and now you have the chance to have it!
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Yes! Thanks to your help BasGame will be even better. Every visitor to BasGame will have free animal meeples! Enjoy the painted wooden jungle.
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Yes! We know you were waiting for this. :D
Our most demanded pledge level have arrived! You’ll have it in your hands soon.
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r bekannte Spiele-Verlag «Hans im Glück» hat uns ein tolles Spiele-Paket für das BasGame zukommen lassen. Absolut fantastisch! :-D
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Wir haben das Ziel von 1600 CHF erreicht und somit das Spiel «Alchemists» zur Verlosung hinzugefügt! Weiter so!
Alchemists ist das erste Spiel von Matús Kotry, herausgegeben 2014 von CGE. Und was für ein tolles Spiel das ist! Dieses Spiel öffnet wahrscheinlich die Tür zu einer neuen Generation von Spielen, welche neue Mechanismen in einer sehr thematischen und sinnvollen Weise integriert.
In diesem Spiel sind wir Alchemisten, die um ihren Ruf kämpfen. Dabei versuchen wir die Formel zu finden, die jede der acht Zutaten beschreibt um einen Trank herzustellen.
Dies kommt tatsächlicher Forschung gleich, denn wir machen Experimente, veröffentlichen Theorien, prüfen deren Gültigkeit und stellen sie an Kongressen vor. All dies kombiniert mit der mystischen Würze von Fantasiegeschichten.
Durch eine schlaue Arbeitsaufteilung führen wir Aktionen aus um Gold und Ruhm zu erlangen. Nebenbei nehmen wir Informationen von unseren Gegnern auf, um herauszufinden, welches die richtigen Theorien sind.
Das charakteristischste Element von Alchemists ist der Gebrauch einer Smartphone App um die Experimente auszuführen. Mit Hilfe der Telefonkamera kombiniert man die Elemente und das Ergebnis gibt Hinweise darauf, welche Formeln mit welchen Elementen kompatibel sind.
Dies ist eines der Top-Spiele der letzten Spiele-Messe in Essen gewesen und eines der beliebtesten im Jahr 2014. Also definitiv eine tolle Ergänzung der Spiele-Verlosung!
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THANK YOU ALL. We made it! BasGame is going to be a reality next June and you all made it possible.
Any other donations from this point on will be dedicated to improve BasGame2015 (more games to play with, info material at the event, board game freebies for visitors) and any leftover funds will be put away for BasGame2016.
In addition to that, for each additional CHF 200 that we rise, we will add a game to the raffle.
We hope you like them!
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This is in fact a slightly off-topic new, but related to the boardgaming world, though. So we think that might be interesting for you.
Next Saturday is the International Tabletop Day and the BGB will have the regular gaming meeting. But with one exception: this day it will be open. Anyone can come!
So feel free to come to Bachlettenstrasse, 12 and spend some time playing with us. This will be an «apero» of what BasGame will be, and you’ll have the chance to meet us.
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Dies ist das Design des offiziellen BasGame T-Shirts.
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Liebe Unterstützer, hier seht Ihr den Entwurf für das Poster des diesjährigen BasGame. Frei nach dem Motto: Blau ist das neue Schwarz!
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Liebe Unterstützer! Unser aufregendes Projekt hat jetzt begonnen! Herzlich willkommen! Wir freuen uns, eine tolle Gemeinschaft von Spielern zusammen zu bringen. Falls Ihr Fragen oder Anregungen habt, könnt Ihr diese gerne in den Kommentaren hinterlassen. Wir sind immer für Euch da!