Basic Income NOW
On the 5th of June we are voting on the introduction of an unconditional Basic Income in Switzerland. The idea is that every person living in Switzerland will receive a Basic Income every month, to ensure a dignified existence and participation in public life for the entire population.
Even after a YES at the ballot box, it will still take a long time until the unconditional Basic Income becomes a reality. Who knows what will happen when it does… Let’s already try it out NOW, to learn more about the effects of a Basic Income together.
«Experiment Basic Income»
How does it work?
In order to start immediately, we are fundraising HERE for the first Basic Income of Switzerland.
As soon as we have reached our goal, we will organize a raffle and give one person 2’500 CHF per Month for one year, unconditionally.
In parallel we have started to build a website where we can regularly fundraise, organize raffles, and experience the Basic Income together.

Support us
- Support here Switzerland’s first Basic Income
- Tell your friends about it
- Apply to participate in the raffle on our website (from May 2016)
- Discover with us what people experience with a Basic Income
- Share your ideas, visions and dreams with us
The raffle
- Registration for the raffle will take place on our website
- Every person with residency in Switzerland is eligible to take part (free of charge)
- The winner will be drawn at random
Contributing with money here on wemakeit is completely independent of the raffle. You can also just participate in the raffle, just support, or both.
The entire sum we raise here flows into the Basic Income ’pot’ and will be raffled off to one or more people.
Why all this?
- Because there are many questions and even more answers
- Because we don’t have much experience with unconditionality
- Because we are impatient and already want to try it out NOW
- Because a pilot-project is needed
- To provide a proof for Utopia
- Because certain things just have to be tested
- Because it is a chance for all of us