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Liebe BFWP Pick-Up Unterstützer
Wir melden uns hier direkt aus Nicaragua mit Sicht auf unseren BFWP Truck. Noch immer können wir es kaum fassen, dass wir gemeinsam diesen wichtigen Meilenstein erreichen konnten. Ein riesig grosses DANKESCHÖN an jeden einzelnen von euch – we couldn’t have made it without you! Es ist nicht in Worte zu fassen, wie sich durch den Pick-up der BFWP-Alltag in Nicaragua zum Besseren gewendet hat. Mit der gewonnenen Mobilität ist es uns möglich den Transport der gesammelten Plastikflaschen und Nahrungsmittel sicherzustellen und Besorgungen für die Manufaktur zu erledigen. Eine Veränderung, welche einen entscheidenden Unterschied macht.
Zwischenzeitlich haben wir den Truck farblich im BFWP-Design aufgehübscht. Mit der aqua/grünen Grundfarbe und dem weissen Schriftzug ist er nun ein richtiger Blickfang! Gerne nehmen wir euch mit diesem Video auf eine kleine BFWP Pick-up Reise mit.
Mobile und glückliche Grüsse aus Nicaragua Khalil & Team _______________________
Dear BFWP Pick-Up supporters We’re writing straight from Nicaragua with a view on our BFWP Truck. We still can’t belive that we were able to reach this significant milestone together. A huge THANK YOU to every single one of you - we couldn’t have made it without you! We can’t put into words how much this Pick-up improved the daily life in Nicaragua. With the gained mobility it is now possible to transport the collected plastic bottles and food as well as run errands for the manufactory. The value of this vehicle for us can hardly be overstated.
In the meantime the truck received a beautiful look with the BFWP-design. It is now quite the eye-catcher with it’s aqua/green colour and the white letters! And now we’d like to take you on a little BFWP Pick-up journey.
Mobile and kind regards from Nicaragua Khalil & Team
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ar PickUp Supporters
We hope you are well and in good health.
We are reporting back with a successful update on our Pickup: We have chosen a Toyota Tacoma with a cabin and purchased the car with your generous donations. YES! Now it’s off to the painter to have the car painted with our slogan and the promised donor names. We are very happy and proud to have achieved this step together with you.
Pictures and videos will follow soon!
Best wishes & happy day Khalil & BFWP Team
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ar BFWP Pick-Up supporters
Thanks to you, we are now literally moving forward - thank you very much!
A total of 73 people have secured funding for the PickUp. We are very grateful that, together with you, we can put our value #strongertogether into practice. This means a lot to us.
Don’t be surprised if we don’t know the exact details of the supporters yet. We will only receive the final campaign figures, the project report and the list of supporters from wemakeit in a week’s time.
But now it’s up to us: We have already spotted a Toyota PickUp in the capital Managua. For your information: Our BFWP factory is located in the fishing village of El Astillero, about 3 ½ hours from Managua.
As soon as we have news, you will hear from us.
Best regards from Nicaragua Khalil & Buy Food with Plastic Team
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ar BFWP supporters
A thousand thanks! Thanks to you, we could collect CHF 6’520 (81.5%) for the BFWP PickUp in Nicaragua. We have only five days left to reach our common goal. We are still missing CHF 1’480 - so close to the goal!
If each of us would contribute CHF 33 or more, we can make it together.
Thank you very much for your support! Your BFWP Team from Switzerland & Nicaragua