Our project
In the year 2016, 460 people had an accident with their bike, 36 more than in 2015 in the city of Zurich alone (Source: City of Zurich). Bikeable.ch wants to make the traffic safer: It is an online-platform for cyclists. It allows them to show the worst spots in the city and propose solutions at the same time. This is how it works: you take a photo of the spot and upload it to the page with a title and a comment. These spots are then visible on the map. You and the other users vote for the spots and the most urgent ones are shown in the «Wall of Shame». Good examples are shown in the «Wall of Fame». You can discuss the spots with the bikeable-community and look for solutions together.

What’s the goal of bikeable.ch?
Our goal is to give cyclists the possibility to help advance the development of cycling infrastructure. We show the responsible administration where change is necessary and which solutions are the most popular among its users. In the long run, it should help making cycling safer, faster and more comfortable. It works already all over the world, we just focus on Zurich and its surroundings.

Why we need your support
- Bikeable.ch needs a community. To bring these people together we want to advertise, make stickers, flyers and posters and advertise online including social media.
- For the IT infrastructure and to build our website.
That’s what you get for it
A website that makes the roads for cyclists safer. With your active help in the bikeable-community, you can actually make a change. Perhaps thanks to your input the useless driving ban or the dangerous edge will disappear. If you support us with a reward of more than 50 francs, we will enter your name on our website. (If you wish).

This happens when it’s over financed
- If we get up to CHF 12’000 we program a Twitter-bot
- At CHF 15’000 we’ll translate the site directly to English, French and Italian!
- CHF 20’000 and we’ll make an native app with additional functionalities!