Bryan Benner: The Modern Man

von Bryan Davis Benner

Wien, London und New York City

Frontman and founder of The Erlkings, Die Wandervögel and The Pool Boys, Bryan Benner presents his first solo album of original songs.

EUR 6’425

128% von EUR 4’999

128 %
So funktioniert’s

Es gilt das «Alles oder Nichts»-Prinzip: Nur wenn das Finanzierungsziel erreicht oder übertroffen wird, werden dem Projekt die Gelder ausgezahlt.

112 Unterstützer*innen

Erfolgreich abgeschlossen am 5.4.2019

Checking in <3Von Bryan Davis Benner, am 06.11.2019

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Photo by Theresa Pewal
Photo by Theresa Pewal

arest Modern Man/Muse Backers,

It’s been 4 months since I last checked in with you all and I hope that since then you’ve been enjoying your copies of The Modern Man, The Modern Muse! If you haven’t had a chance to listen yet, the cold winter months will be a perfect time :)

I know that many of you are waiting eagerly for your song compositions and I promise that I’ve not forgotten about them! On the contrary, I think of them often and am gathering inspiration from all sides. However, I do suspect it will take some more time. I’ll be cloistering myself on the island of Fuerteventura again early next year and I hope to finish them there.

If any one else has any wishes or questions about the fulfillment of this last crowdfunding, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Much love, Bryan

The album production is almost done! Von Bryan Davis Benner, am 04.07.2019

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The Modern Man/Muse Cover
The Modern Man/Muse Cover

arest Backers,

I’m writing to update you on the progress of The Modern Man, The Modern Muse! All of the tracks (2 CDs, 18 songs in total) have been beautifully mixed and mastered and I couldn’t be more pleased with the results. The artwork and graphic design are taking longer but as you can see, it’s turning out quite well! We are currently proof reading the booklet to make sure there are no mistakes and then it will be sent to the printers. All other rewards (songs, calls from my mom, lessons, ect.) will be discussed and fulfilled with each of you individually once the album is finished.

Thank you so much for your patience and support! For those of you in Vienna, don’t forget the Album Release concert will be in Theater am Spittelberg September 17th, 2019!

Big love, Bryan

An update from The Modern Man on the road <3Von Bryan Davis Benner, am 06.05.2019

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From the stage in Lisbon
From the stage in Lisbon

arest Backers and Beloved Ones,

For over a month now I have been quietly enjoying the waves of gratitude that come over me when I think on this swiftly successful crowdfunding campaign. Thank you for believing in me and coming together to help me continue to stay independent and productive. I’m working to make this double album very special for both myself and for you. The planned release date is September 17th 2019. I will have many updates for you between now and then.

Big love, Bryan

ps. I am writing to you now towards the end of a month long tour as the guitarist and back up vocalist for Jai-Jagdeesh, a wonderful mantra singer. We have been to Austria, the Czech Republic, England, Scotland, Portugal and now Spain. It’s been wonderful but I can’t wait to return home this weekend and get back to work on The Modern Man :)