«Djunta Mon» Cabo Verde & Friends! Solidarity for Cabo Verde in times of the corona virus.
Update: On behalf of the whole team we would like to thank all donors for their solidarity, we are overwhelmed! Our first goal has already been achieved and thanks to you, donations in the form of hygiene products and basic food are being distributed to families in need on both islands. Please follow our Facebook page for the details: https://www.facebook.com/djuntamon/ Cape Verde is still officially in a state of national emergency. We would like to expand and continue our prevention work. This is urgently necessary, nobody should be left behind! So far we have been active in the following regions on the island of São Vicente and the island of Santo Antão:
- Ribeira de Craquinha, Ribeirinha, Ribeira de Julião, Monte Sossego and Espia (São Vicente)
- Porto Novo, Paul, Ribeira Grande (Santo Antão) With the first amount we have already been able to support a total of 150 families with basic food and hygiene materials, 60 of them in Santo Antao and 90 in Sao Vicente. We would like to continue and intensify our sensitization work and extend our field of action to another 150 families, as well as the following target groups for the delivery of basic food:
- elderly people without income
- people with special needs, i.e. physical and/or mental handicaps
- Persons with a chronic disease or or a temporary serious illness Our new goal: a total of 8,000 euros. Help to ensure that our local team can continue its valuable prevention work for even longer. We stand with Cabo Verde!
In many remote and poor areas of the Cape Verde Islands, people have no opportunity to take the necessary hygiene steps, we usually and especially in this time take in Europe. Furthermore, due to the curfew, many day labourers are now completely without income and the struggle to survive begins. For now, staying home and the currently hygienic prevention are the only way to protect the population from a large-scale corona outbreak. Prevention, education and our support are needed!
Therefore, we start a crowdfunding campaign: «Djunta Mon» Cabo Verde & Friends! Solidarity for Cabo Verde! Goal: 4000 Euro in the next 10 days!
This crowdfunding is dedicated to prevention and awareness-trainings amongst inhabitants, as well as donations in forms of hygienic material and basic food needs, in the fight against the corona virus on the Cape Verdean Islands São Vicente & Santo Antão.
Recipient of the donations:
The inhabitants of the regions Mindelo on São Vicente (including surrounded neighbourhoods, such as, Ribeira de Craquinha, Ribeirinha, Ribeira de Julião, Monte Sossego, Espia) and the regions Paul, Porto Novo and Ribeira Grande on Santo Antão.
For the employees of the health stations and hospitals, the true heroes, we will provide further hygiene materials such as masks and hand disinfectants etc., so that staff can protect themselves sufficiently.
The food deliveries will be first targeted to the most vulnerable people and their families, who are working in the informal market without any fixed salary such as:
the employees of the street and building cleaners, who can no longer work in public spaces
the local fishermen, who can no longer go fishing
the market vendors, who can no longer sell
Who we are
Cabo Verde & Friends
Switzerland The Swiss travel agency o Ritmo GmbH in Zurich and the Foundation ’Cabo Verde Foundation’ in Bern.
Holland The Cape Verdean music group ’Rabasa Musica de Cabo Verde’ based in Rotterdam.
And friends of Cape Verde from all over the world!
Cabo Verde The local organisation Dada’s Animations, a small local business that provides tourism services and organizes socio-cultural animation events.
The team of the local platform «Djunta Mon» (Creole for: join hands) is working locally and will be responsible for the crowdfunded money and distributions of donations in forms of hygienic material and basic food needs. Together through our crowdfunding we support the local campaign «Lava bo Mon» (wash your hands) for prevention and awareness work in the fight against the spread of the Corona virus.
Our local partner has a good network:
Our team is stationed on the island of São Vicente. The passenger connection to the neighbouring island of Santo Antão has been cancelled, but the goods transport will be maintained. We will extend the delivery of goods to the neighbouring island and through the network of the local partner «Djunta Mon» we have a guarantee that the goods will arrive where they are needed!
Further, our local partner works closely with the Ministry of Health, so we have access to the details of the people from São Vicente and as well the neighbour island Santo Antão who need this help urgently.
This is what we need backing for
Prevention is hygiene! Through our local partners, we buy soap and other hygiene materials for those people who are currently urgently in need. The team of the «Lava bo Mon» campaign is already doing educational work about the corona virus, how to take the necessary hygiene steps and is distributing the materials.
Prevention is protecting the people on the front! Through our local partners, we buy further hygiene materials such as masks and hand disinfectants etc. so that staff can protect themselves sufficiently.
Prevention is staying home! Another important aspect of prevention is staying home. Since 29.03.20 cape verde has officially announced a national emergency state, along with this comes a strict curfew . As many Cape Verdeans work on a daily wage basis, they now will have a completely lack of income. Many of them are forced to go out and work anyway, which increases the risk of transmission the virus.
Ficar em Casa, sem comida? Stay at home without food?
In order to reduce the risk of transmission the virus and the lack of food in households we created the ’Djunta Mon Food Truck’, which will deliver basic food needs directly to the homes of the people that are the most in need.
The distribution of the donations will be documented by pictures, videos and receipts. Please subscribe to the Facebook page of Djunta Mon, we will keep you informed about what happens with the donations: https://www.facebook.com/djuntamon/
100% of the donated money will go to the project
We stand with Cabo Verde!