It Is abook about a possible deeper grasping of thinking as an activity. It is about the ability to develop our capacity to think, and expend our comprehension of thinking. It is More then a text...

EUR 8’032

178% of EUR 4’500

178 %
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149 backers

Successfully concluded on 5/10/2017

A Book writen and illustrated by Zvi Szir

Can I learn to think?

«In thinking I relinquish my self. I move outside of my boundaries. I leave the house and experience the fear of getting lost, of no longer returning to myself. Thinking is venturing out into foreign fields.»

I need your help, your support; I hope that the publication of this book is a matter that concerns you as well. The book is about a possible deeper grasping of thinking as an activity. It is about the ability to develop our capacity to think, and expend our comprehension of thinking. It is an exploration into the ways we can transform our thinking, make it into something that we do willfully. I know that these questions touch us all.

It is a short work, as I no longer believe in length, a small book, that investigates thinking up from its foundations. It isn’t easy reading, but it is written as simply as I was able to. It is dense. Every paragraph provides material for contemplation. I hope that it is inspiring. It is an examination of what we think about thinking, what we mean to do when we are thinking. It is a book about the instruments of thinking, about our possibility to master them. It is a book about freeing thinking from the fetters of language, without loosing sight of it. An invitation to dispute the results of the thinking of the 20th Century, without losing our love for the great thinkers of this time.

It is thus very simple, I won’t make any promotion, I am asking you:

If it is meaningful to you, and you can help, even if only for the price of a single book, do it. If you are not interested, then you’ve landed on the wrong website, click on. If you are interested, but you can’t even subsidise the printing of a single copy, then send an email to me:, and I hope to find the funds to afford the printing and postage, and then I will send it to you as a gift.
Das Buch
Das Buch

A text is not a Book, a Book is a Book.

This book is not a book, at least not in the conventional sense. With some luck it will avoid the bookshelves. It is precisely a pocket-paperback that takes this designation seriously.

Although the text is central and a very strict course of thinking runs through it, it is not only meant to be read or work through. The book is beautifully formed, as two graphic designers spent hours working to shape it to be a special place of reading, and 21 ink drawings were created especially for this printing.

Ein Kapiteltitelblatt
Ein Kapiteltitelblatt

The Book is in German, but if we get it Printed...

The next step will be an English and Chinese Translation. 4500.- are just the minimum, it will only cover the Print of 750 copies and the language editing. To actualy cover our cost we will have to manage at least 8500.- this will make it Posible to print 1000 copies and to pay all expenses, and pay the Graphic Designers. So you see we realy need your help.. and with 19 Pictures, you don’t have to read it to enjoy it.

Aus dem Buch
Aus dem Buch