CD RAW LOVE Pressung+Promo

von George Leitenberger

Genf und Berlin

Unsere CD «RAW LOVE» ist fertig und braucht eure Hilfe, um in Ohren + Herzen zu gelangen! Wir haben ein ganz eigenes, roh und reizvoll klingendes Album auf Deutsch+Englisch «back in Berlin» gebacken!

EUR 6’142

110% von EUR 5’555

110 %
So funktioniert’sä

Es gilt das «Alles oder Nichts»-Prinzip: Nur wenn das Finanzierungsziel erreicht oder übertroffen wird, werden dem Projekt die Gelder ausgezahlt.

47 Unterstützer*innen

Erfolgreich abgeschlossen am 1.9.2018

RAW LOVE nominated for the GERMAN RECORD CRITICS' AWARDVon George Leitenberger, am 24.01.2019

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«RAW LOVE» nominated for prestigious award!!!
«RAW LOVE» nominated for prestigious award!!!

Dear friends, This is great news: The project you’ve so generally been supporting with great vibes, good-will and hardware has just been nominated for the German Record Critics Award - a prestigious award…but of course it’s up against eight other formidable albums by giants like Element of Crime, Konstantin Wecker, Ernst Molden, Karl Neukauf, Katharina Franck,Kai Degenhardt, Grenzgänger, Karl Neukauf, each a class of their own… We thought you might like this piece of info. Cheers and a BIG THANK YOU for your fantastic support! You all take care and stay well - lots of RAW LOVE!!! George & Roddy

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Hi all,

We’re getting ultimately close to sending all the goodies for your wonderful support: signed RAW LOVE CDs, aprons, t-shirts, tablecloths,cards.Please also note that we’ll be playing the following shows:

23 rd NOVEMBER: Plüderhausen, Germany, Theater hinter dem Scheuerntor

24 th NOVEMBER: Hoyerswerda, Germany, Hoyschrecke, Kulturfabrik ¨ 29th NOVEMBER: BErlin, Germany, Kugelbahn Wedding, RECORD RELEASE CONCERT & PARTY with special guests

30 th NOVEMBER: Oranienburg, Germany, Kulturkonsum

Until you’ll receive your personal rewards check this out:

You all take care and lots of raw love

George & Roddy

CD RAW LOVE arrivedVon George Leitenberger, am 30.09.2018

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CDs arrived
CDs arrived

Dear friends,

As you can see the CDs arrived and the other rewards are in preparation - we’ll be in touch again soon. A BIG THANK YOU for all your great support! Please note: The record-release-concert will take place at Kugelbahn Wedding,Berlin, on November 29th, 2018. Please let us know if you wish to come and find your name on the guest-list.Would be wonderful to see you there. - RAW LOVE from George & Roddy

Thank YouVon George Leitenberger, am 27.08.2018

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Hi all,

we made it - again! Thanks ever so much for your support! MERCI… DANKE…

CD production will soon be starting, and we’ve set the release date in Berlin on November 23rd… Join the party!

The wemakeit site will still be open a few days if you have friends who would like a CD, T-Shirt or RAW LOVE Apron!!

Cheers from George and Roddy

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For all those who prefer reading German:


Irgendwie scheint uns bei der Übersetzung ein kleiner Fehler unterlaufen zu sein. Wer uns mit EUR 222 unterstützen möchte, dem seien hiermit nicht nur die signierte CD und die äusserst kühle Tischdecke, sondern selbstverständlich auch die ultimativ kühle RAW LOVE KÜCHENSCHÜRZE zugesagt…wir erbitten eure Verzeihung! (Danke Clarissa für diesen Hinweis).

«RAW LOVE» - APRON & T-SHIRTVon George Leitenberger, am 18.08.2018

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  • discrete RAW LOVE T-shirt
    discrete RAW LOVE T-shirt
  • somewhat less discrete RAW LOVE T-shirt
    somewhat less discrete RAW LOVE T-shirt
  • Sizzlingly hot RAW LOVE apron
    Sizzlingly hot RAW LOVE apron

Hello everybody,

Here’s a choice of T-shirts or the original RAW LOVE apron…cooool stuff!

Getting there !!Von George Leitenberger, am 16.08.2018

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Dear friends,

Thanks so much for your great support - we’ve just reached 50.26 % !

Please keep on spreading the word…it’s not just about money, it’s about community - the only sound way forward.


George & Roddy