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36current projects close to Iquitos in community

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Iquitos. But this may be of interest to you.
Therapeutic center

Science, Fair Trade, and Community


Therapeutic center

by thomas Godfroid

Support us for the creation of a therapeutic center with access to human beings and self-healing!

14 %
CHF 4’210
14 days to go
Aventure humanitaire


Ethiope and Ethiope

Aventure humanitaire

by Sylvie Bétrix & Claude Mertenat

Aventure solidaire en Ethiopie ! Rejoignez Claude et Sylvie pour soutenir la Fondation des Chirurgiens suisses en Ethiopie et leur Centre à Jimma. Ensemble, changeons des vies !

3 %
CHF 605
33 days to go
Trap Quizz - Escape Game

Games, Startup, and Community


Trap Quizz - Escape Game

by Marion and Vanessa

Support two young entrepreneurs in the launch of their Quiz Room, in a project that combines intellect, challenge and fun in a friendly, interactive atmosphere.

0 %
CHF 115
33 days to go
Feine Bio Glace

Food, Fair Trade, and Community


Feine Bio Glace

by Hanno@Kalan

Hilf mit unser Projekt für ein Eiscafé mit nachhaltiger und handwerklich hergestellter Bio-Glace in die Tat umzusetzen. Geniesse unsere einzigartigen Kreationen und teile gesellige Momente mit uns.

2 %
CHF 700
40 days to go
Projet Box 62

Music, Community, and Art

Le Mont-sur-Lausanne

Projet Box 62

by assobox62

Création et gestion à but non lucratif de lieux éphémères ou permanents d’expression et d’apprentissage pluridisciplinaire autour de la musique et des arts.

33 %
CHF 4’960
21 days to go

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education



by SpielRevier

We offer low-threshold play opportunities and are committed to providing more play and free space for children. It strengthens their health, participation, personal responsibility and well-being.

33 %
CHF 1’696
24 days to go
Bistro 21Stärne!

Food, Community, and Kids / Youth


Bistro 21Stärne!

by Mensch21!

We need YOUR support! Our newly opened bistro «21Stärne» in Bern offers jobs for people with trisomy21.

17 %
CHF 7’176
33 days to go
Company Sabina

Startup and Community


Im starting a business to offer my best services to create a better world globally based and starting in Switzerland. My background is being a doctor. My vision is peace, love, happiness and freedom

0 %
22 days to go
Jitterbugs Studio

Music, Community, and Dance


Jitterbugs Studio

by Basel Jitterbugs

Our dance school is getting its own studio and we need your support. Help us to give swing dancing and Basel Jitterbugs a home for many years to come. Joy of life for everyone!

81 %
CHF 24’591
6 minutes to go
AGORA MARKET - Dönerladen

Food, Startup, and Community


An der Feldbergstrasse 51 eröffnen wir - Fabienne, Raphael und Michel - einen Dönerladen. Werde schon jetzt Teil davon und supporte uns!

103 %
CHF 37’386
2 days to go
Hello Gondrand

Community, Kids / Youth, and Sport


Hello Gondrand

by Verein Trendsport

Die Trendsporthalle zieht um, nach 8 Jahren an der Uferstrasse 80, in eine neue feste Bleibe. Im Herbst 2024 öffnen wir die Tore gleich im benachbarten Gondrandgebäude.

97 %
CHF 27’266
7 days to go
Betongold Matthäus poster

Publishing, Politics, and Community


Betongold Matthäus poster

by Stadt für Alle

A free poster for everyone to make it more tangible who owns the city and what this has to do with us. The third information project from the Betongold poster series for more transparency in ownership