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7current projects close to Gomadingen in technology

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Gomadingen. But this may be of interest to you.
Innovate the F&B industry

Startup, Community, and Technology


CompaZ helps F&B business keep their online hours up-to-date with a single swipe, so customers never face closed doors. Support us in making dining out more reliable and enjoyable for everyone!

5 %
CHF 369
47 hours to go
Revox World in Dietikon

Exhibition, Music, and Technology


Revox World in Dietikon

by waVox vintage sounds

From February 2025, the Studer Revox Museum in cooperation with Revox Switzerland to the new location in Dietikon and reopened as «Revox World». The collection remains in my possession.

73 %
CHF 16’270
15 days to go
Mini Car Q-Type TOLEDO

Community, Technology, and Environment


Um herauszufinden wie der Q-Type bei Euch ankommt, haben wir beschlossen die erste Lieferung via WEMAKEIT zu vermarkten. Dies zu einem einmalig sensationellen Preis!

0 %
28 days to go

Food, Startup, and Technology



by Kitchin

Cooking should be fun! So that your meals not only satisfy your hunger but also nourish your soul. Uncoated pans with a copper core & thoughtfully designed kitchen tools. Developed in Switzerland.

12 %
CHF 2’500
6 days to go
Citoyens bafoués du Jura

Politics, Technology, and Environment

Delémont and Haute-Sorne

Citoyens bafoués du Jura

by Un groupe d'opposants au projet de géothermie pétrothermale profonde de Haute-Sorne

Unterstüzen Sie unseren Kampf gegen das Jura-petrothermale Tiefengeothermieprojekt. Wir sammeln Geld um die Geldstrafen der Staatsanwaltschaft zu bezahlen die die Opposition zum Schweigen bringen soll

104 %
CHF 20’860
9 days to go
Valton Mastering

Music, art, and Technology


Valton Mastering

by Valton Mastering

For a better sounding world!
Valton Mastering is specialized in mastering, last step in music production before commercialization.

0 %
12 days to go
Pay Warrior

Community, Technology, and Education


Pay Warrior

by Kanchan

Pay Warrior aims to educate, enable, and engage working women about their workplace rights. Our first project analyses 1500+ case summaries (canton-level) of gender equality lawsuits in Switzerland.