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3current projects close to Pabhoi in technology

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Pabhoi. But this may be of interest to you.
The traveling glasses

Science, Community, and Technology


The traveling glasses

by Nora Hollenstein, Alba Haveriku, and Evis Trandafili

Support us in enabling researchers to conduct studies about reading behavior in many languages around the world.

1 %
EUR 160
18 days to go
the app for parents

Startup, Community, and Technology


MoDa - Community for parents
Support me in developing an app that creates connection, enables parents to exchange ideas and supports them in their parenting ❤

9 %
CHF 2’287
27 days to go
Citoyens bafoués du Jura

Politics, Technology, and Environment

Delémont and Haute-Sorne

Citoyens bafoués du Jura

by Un groupe d'opposants au projet de géothermie pétrothermale profonde de Haute-Sorne

Unterstüzen Sie unseren Kampf gegen das Jura-petrothermale Tiefengeothermieprojekt. Wir sammeln Geld um die Geldstrafen der Staatsanwaltschaft zu bezahlen die die Opposition zum Schweigen bringen soll