Come compagnia emergente di circo contemporaneo, Framing Effekt esprime temi sociali rilevanti. La loro prima creazione, «Systema», esplora i corpi e un oggetto, trovando momenti di empatia.

EUR 6’100

101% di EUR 6’000

101 %
Come funziona

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

57 sostenitori

Concluso con successo il 24.5.2023

Leggi Aggiornamento

Hello Circus lovers and circus friends!


We, Julie, Lara, Shalom and Marius, want to thank you with all our heart!

YOU made it possible for us to reach our crowdfunding goal and YOU made it possible that we can cover all the costs for the last steps of our creation unit the premier!

We are super thankful for each one of you and we are sending you lots of love and our gratefulness!

Lets hope we can invite you soon in the future to our show, so that you can see the project that would have been much harder to succeed without you.

If you want to be updated in the future about our project, you can subscribe to our new newsletter. Just send us an email with the subject «Newsletter» and we will stay in touch with you a few times per year.

Bisous, Bussis and Bacio

Framing Effekt Julie, Lara, Shalom & Marius

PS: For everyone who will get a «reward», we are currently working on the logistics and will get them to you as soon as possible!