Contemporary Circus Creation

by Framing Effekt

Basel, Tilburg, and Brussels

As an emerging contemporary circus company, Framing Effekt expresses relevant social issues. Their debut creation, «Systema», explores bodies and an object, finding moments of empathy and connection.

EUR 6’100

101% of EUR 6’000

101 %
This is how it works

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

57 backers

Successfully concluded on 24/5/2023

Who are we?

We are «Framing Effekt» , a contemporary circus company. «Framing Effekt» consists of: Shalom (Italy), Julie (France), Lara (Austria) and Marius (Switzerland). We all graduated in 2022 from the «Academy of Circus and Performance Art» (ACaPA) in Tilburg, The Netherlands. Our ambition as a company is, to express contemporary relevant issues existing in our society through circus. We are now on the way of creating our first full evening show called: «Systema».

About the project:

We started this project while we were still studying and had the opportunity to perform 30 min of our creation at the festival «Circolo» in Tilburg. For our première in October 2023 at the «Vitrine Festival» in Belgium, we are currently creating more material and working with people who can support and improve our project. Thats the reason why we need financial support.

Storyline: «Four people are relating to each other in a mechanical way. A machine is built. 1 rope, four bodies. They are gears, numbers, pieces of this machine which follows a logic system. Until a breaking point. A process of awakening is happening. The rope is the link they have between all of them. One event which follows the next one is describing an evolution of contact. Counterweighting, jumping, throwing themselves into the space. From a mechanical contact to an intimate one. A physical memory stays, printed in their bodies.»

Help us to get budget for:

To be able to finish our creation we need money for:

• a DRAMATURGE (a professional from the performance art scene who will help us to work on details of the show; while providing us with an outside perspective on the material)

• a LIGHT DESIGNER (someone who will plan and create all the different atmospheres that we need in different moments of the show)

• a MUSICIAN (composing original and new music for various scenes for the performance)

• COSTUMES (to buy and create four costumes for all artists on stage)