アルコフォニー デビューアルバム『春の海』

by Arcophonie - Manami Okazaki



EUR 9’096

101% of EUR 9’000

101 %
This is how it works

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

44 backers

Successfully concluded on 14/6/2024


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  • Kunst und Kreativität die Seele befreien.

    Edith SOUKUP on 23/5/2024 19:24

  • Ich unterstütze dieses Projekt, weil meine Tochter Sophie und Manami ganz außergewöhnliche Künstlerinnen sind.

    Ruth on 23/5/2024 16:12

  • I am willing to participate in the project with a small amount of money, and I sincerely hope that the plan will be successful.

    Syoukan Madoka on 23/5/2024 15:03

  • meine liebe Enkeltochter mit ihrer Freundin die Chance haben soll, ihre tolle Musik zu verbreiten.

    Elisabeth on 23/5/2024 09:32

  • We hope many people will listen to their wonderful collaboration that bridges the cultures of Austria and Japan. We look forward to their harmony!

    TAROeMAKI on 22/5/2024 16:52