Dogs need help too #covid19

von Ivan

Velha Goa und Vevey

Let's support 2 Indian organizations that help people and animals to get food after the complications brought by covid19

CHF 930

18% von CHF 5’000

18 %
So funktioniert’s

Es gilt das «Alles oder Nichts»-Prinzip: Nur wenn das Finanzierungsziel erreicht oder übertroffen wird, werden dem Projekt die Gelder ausgezahlt.

9 Unterstützer*innen

Abgeschlossen am 7.5.2020

Thank youVon Ivan, am 29.05.2020

Update lesen

ar donors,

Thank you for your donations,

As you might be aware, the crowdfunding wasn’t successful and your donations have been returned to you. However, if you still wish to contribute to this project, I created a donation button below so that your donation can still help the 2 ngos if you resend them on that link.

This button has no time limit or specific amount target, so any amount sent there will be helpful to Welfare for Animals in Goa and the Covid Goa Humanitarian Helpline.

You can also share this link if you wish!

thanks a lot
