Drumming Robot Sculpture

de Kolja Kugler


My project is about creating a robotic sculpture made from scrap metal which will be able to play a drumkit.

EUR 60

1% de EUR 3’300

1 %
Comment ça fonctionne

Le principe du «tout ou rien» s’applique: l’argent ne sera reversé au projet qu’à condition d’avoir atteint ou dépassé l’objectif de financement.

1 contributeur*rice

Clôturé le 23.7.2013

The robot drummer will be a project in within a bigger project which is to creat a robotic sculpture music band. The drummer will be the third bandmember and will assist the already existing robot bassplayer «Afreakin» and the «Musical Flock» of birds (on flutes).

The sculpture will be larger than life, made from scrap metal, powered by air pressure (pneumatic pistons) and will be controlled via midi signals.

I wouldn’t go public with this project if i wouldn’t have felt that a lot of people are very interested in seeing this become reality.

The money would be mainly used to buy me time for the build.

Animated Sculptures

  • Afrikan bass player right hand
    Afrikan bass player right hand
  • Elton active
    Elton active
  • Elton portrait
    Elton portrait
  • Afrikan bass player on stage
    Afrikan bass player on stage
  • African bass player on stage
    African bass player on stage
  • Musical flock
    Musical flock
  • Compliment machine
    Compliment machine

Non animated Sculptures

  • Tank bird
    Tank bird
  • Snoop
  • Dog walks man
    Dog walks man
  • Fish

Kolja Kugler in the lab

Foto © Jakob Hoff
Foto © Jakob Hoff