Echoes of Identity

di ninagracey

Berna e Accra

A documentary film about my journey to Ghana in search of my roots.

CHF 3’094

206% di CHF 1’500

206 %
Come funziona

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

30 sostenitori

Concluso con successo il 25.5.2024

Tracing my roots in Ghana

Echoes of Identity is a film about the journey to my roots in Ghana. With your support, I can realise this project and get one step closer to myself. I want to show what treasures this country has to offer and how diverse Ghana is. I also want this film to reach people who share similar stories and would also like to go in search of their own roots.

«Where are you from?»

I’ve been asked this question regularly for as long as I can remember. My answer: «From Bern» is rarely satisfactory. Most of the time, people shake their heads and reply: «No, I mean, where are you really from?» My self-determination is challenged by questions that always confuse me and to which I never seem to find the right answer for the equally confused other person.

The answer that felt best for me personally so far was Switzerland. I never really got to know Ghanaian culture, as my parents separated at an early age and I hardly have any contact with my father.

Even though my answer to this question may never change, and I don’t owe it to anyone, I want to get to know this part of myself. I want to know if I feel a connection to this place, what the culture is like, what the ground feels like, what the sea smells like. I want to close a gap that has always been open. I also want to show how beautiful Ghana is, as this country is rarely represented in Europe.

I will record my story in an essay documentary for myself and for all people who encounter the question of their origins on a daily basis. I hope that they will find themselves in my process and perhaps even feel reassured that they are not alone in their search for their own identity.

«Will you join me on my journey?»

In order to realise my project, I need your help. My project requires me to be able to travel to Ghana for at least two weeks. I also want to capture beautiful images and sounds that represent my impressions and the country, for which I need the appropriate equipment. Of course, the musicians who provide me with their sounds should also be compensated accordingly, so that in the end a whole film can be created from all these individual elements. Thanks to your help, I can realise my project and start the journey to my roots!