ED Swiss – Resting eyewear

ED Swiss – Resting eyewear

by Guillaume Arnoux and ED Optometrie


Surrounded with LCD displays and LED lights ? Have troubles to get asleep ? Try ED Swiss eyewear !

CHF 2’260

6% of CHF 35’400

6 %
This is how it worksä

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

15 backers

Concluded on 16/10/2014

ED Swiss ... auf Deutsch !By Guillaume Arnoux, on 12/09/2014

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Pour le public germanophone, le site est maintenant disponible en allemand.

RTS - 36,9° > LED: dangereux pour les yeux?By Guillaume Arnoux, on 02/09/2014

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Emission du 27/08/2014


La journaliste aborde le sujet du rythme chronobiologique à la fin du reportage (30’02’’).