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BoerlinBoerds Productions and Platoon Kunsthalle proudly present: «eschaton». This hybrid mix of theatre, music, dance and multimedia art takes the idea of theatre to the next level.

EUR 95

3% de EUR 2’500

3 %
Comment ça fonctionne

Le principe du «tout ou rien» s’applique: l’argent ne sera reversé au projet qu’à condition d’avoir atteint ou dépassé l’objectif de financement.

3 contributeur*rices

Clôturé le 7.7.2013

I have had the idea to connect dance, theatre and performance technologie for 3 years now. I finalized the script for «eschaton» beginning of 2013 and then found Platoon Kunsthalle’s SALON REVOLUTIONÄR Platform to be the perfect partner to produce the piece. Gladly enough, Platoon thought the same and «eschaton» will be on stage 12th and 13th July 2013. All the artist and companies involved see this project as a piece of art, and will work and bring in their technology on a cost covering and non profit bases. I hope you will find this project interesting and support us.


Every time you order, search, like or say something online you leave a data print in a company’s file. We all do that everyday, multiple times without paying any attention to it. Who could ever remember all the information we leave out there? Well, it might not be you, but someone will!

In the world we take you there are no more separate enterprises, there is just Gnosa – all the data ever collected is in one hands and it knows everything – it knows where you are, who you are, what you like and most importantly what you fear and what you hope to achieve in this life.

The only resistance left are hackers, but Gnosa does not only try to eliminate them, because to recruit them is even better. Now Gnosa has located the best hacker it has ever known, but the question remains, what to do about him and how to get him?

We guide you through a journey where Gnosa controls your every move before you even thought about making one. We follow Tobias, Europe’s top hacker, who Gnosa tries to convince to change sides and join the superpower. What will Tobias do? Will he join the force or the fate of thousands of others who did not want to cooperate? In this multimedia and performance technology influenced theatre piece, the viewer will join Tobias on his spectacular and thrilling journey.

eschaton is performed as part of Platoons’ SALON REVOLUTIONÄR, which is a vibrant and surprising series of theatre events, combining elements of modern dance, media arts, music, projection mapping and role playing games.
