What is it about?
Escolhares is a project that aims to give free glasses to public Elementary School students of poor neighbourhoods in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Thanks to Escolhares, volunteer medical students and ophthalmologists perform screening tests and complete eye exams inside the Elementary Schools. The glasses are also manufactured on site, and the children thus receive the visual correction needed on the same day. To execute all of these action without leaving the schools guarantees that no children are left behind and that all receive the glasses they need.
This action is possible thanks to: the LIO-SM students association in Rio de Janeiro, which recruits the volunteer medical students and ophthalmologists, the Renovatio NGO, in Sao Paulo, Brazil, that lends us their examination bus, the OneDollarGlasses technology, to make the eyeglasses on the spot at a very low cost, the M.E.T.I.S. students association and the Vision for All foundation, in Lausanne, Switzerland, helping us fundraise.
Share our vision, give 1 child his glasses!
By the end of september 2017 we plan to screen 500 children, testing and giving glasses to all of those that need them.
Each pair of glasses costs us CHF 9.-, and we still have to finance 178 pairs. That’s why we need your contribution.
With CHF 9.- you can give a pair of glasses to 1 child. We do all the work in between, ensuring that the glasses are perfectly adapted to the needs of the school student receiving them.
Give a child this incredible gift! Share our vision, make a donation of CHF 9.- or more !

Your good action deserves a reward
For all donation, small or big, you will receive a nice thank you card with the picture(s) of the child(ren) that you have helped. If you give 12 pairs of glasses or more, we will make you a special calendar with the pictures of the children you helped.
For 14 pairs of glasses given or more, we will also include your name in our thank you page, on our website.
Many rewards await!
For donations up to CHF 36.- the stores around the CHUV, in the Ours square, generously contributed with a very diverse array of rewards that you can choose from, depending on the amount donated. For donations between CHF 36.- and 126.- a special surpise mix of the same rewards awaits.
Choose what suits you best among: artisanal honey or chocolate, design stationery, vintage comic books, discount coupons at clothing stores, movie theater tickets and concert tickets.
For donations from CHF 120.- we will send you special gift basket, made in Brazil and, for the more generous, invite you to share a homemade Brazilian dinner for 2 with us and grant you a lifelong pass to all the events organized by our association.
If you are in Brazil and would like to contribute, your donation is welcome but unfortunatly the rewards listed above don’t apply. Instead, we will deliver to you, by July 2018, thank you cards or a calendar with the pictures of the children you helped + a basket of Swiss products (size will vary accordingly to the amount donated).
So quickly have your pick & share our vision!