Eternal Delyria New Album

by ClodDelyria


We’re Eternal Delyria from Ticino and we need your help to create our new CD. Find out how…

CHF 6’755

112% of CHF 6’000

112 %
This is how it works

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

43 backers

Successfully concluded on 19/7/2019

Here's what we have in mind

Hi guys, if you’ve come this far it means that like us, you believe in our project or, at the very least you are curious to find out what’s going on. For those of you who do not know us, we’re Eternal Delyria, a melodic death metal band founded in Ticino in 2011. After the release of the EP DELIRIUM (2014) & LETTING GO OF HUMANITY (2016), we are proud to announce that our second full length album is ready to be brought into the studio for recording. The title will be (*drum roll): PARADOX OF THE MECHANICAL ANGEL It contains 10 tracks, 8 songs, 1 intro and an outro. To be released in the final months of 2019.

Here is how you can help us: Through this crowdfunding, we’re selling pre-orders of different packages, listed in the designated area where you can pick and purchase. The money raised from your purchases, will be used to cover the expenses to produce the album, printing and publishing of the CD - PARADOX OF THE MECHANICAL ANGEL, the production of our upcoming videoclips and all related promotional material.

This is us
This is us

How we’ll spend the money, and whitch benefits you’ll get

More precisely the raised funds will be used for:

  • The Mixing and mastering of PARADOX OF THE MECHANICAL ANGEL
  • PARADOX OF THE MECHANICAL ANGEL’s booklet and artwork
  • The printing of the CD - PARADOX OF THE MECHANICAL ANGEL
  • Filming and editing of our new videoclip nr. 1
  • Filming and editing of our new videoclip nr. 2
  • Production of an official Lyrics video
  • Various Crowdfunding Platform taxes/expenses

Total costs amount to slightly more than 12’000.- Of the 12thousand CHF we can cover 6’000.- on our own and thanks to your invaluable help, we will be able to add the remaining 6’000.- CHF so that we can complete our project.

How the crowd funding works: We have chosen the «all-or-nothing» crowdfunding method. We have chosen 6’000.- CHF as our objective. This means that we will receive your donations only if we reach (or surpass) our aforementioned goal. We trust in our project and we have faith in the people who have supported us thus far. We hope you will keep supporting us in the future. You are and always have been what drives us.

When will you receive your pre-ordered package? Each and every package will be delivered once all the components of that package are physically ready. For example: packages containing our new CD - PARADOX OF THE MECHANICAL ANGEL will be sent only once the CD has been recorded and printed.

What are the advantages? The advantage is that you will get new merchandise (like our CD) before the official release date (predicted to be January 2020).

Some articles of the offered packages
Some articles of the offered packages

Final details and thanks

Why did we choose this platform? We chose «Wemakeit» because it’s a Swiss and therefore a local platform. It’s simple and intuitive. It also allows you to make donations in all safety. Last, but not least, it has reduced taxes for when goals are reached, leaving us with more funds for our project.

From everyone in Eternal Delyria: We thank each one of you from the bottom of our hearts for believing in us and our project, for supporting us and our music day after day. Your help doesn’t just aid an emerging band to create, publish and promote their music but, it also helps six guys live their dream. So, THANK YOU everyone.

Eternal Delyria