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ar Backers,
The 25th of October is just around the corner, and with it, our excitement for the upcoming double bass spectacle is reaching new heights! 🎶
We can’t wait to welcome you all at 9 PM at MuTh and share an unforgettable evening filled with music, passion, and fun. Your support has brought us to this point, and we’re thrilled to celebrate together!
There’s just one small favor we need to ask: If you received a free ticket as part of your donation, could you please RSVP? We’ve been in touch with some of you already and were sad to hear that a few won’t be able to make it. We completely understand that plans change, and we look forward to seeing you at another event in the future (though none will be quite as epic as this one! ).
To help us plan the seating for our wonderful backers, please send a quick email to palurovic.sofija97@gmail.com to let us know whether you’ll be able to attend. AND! Don’t forget that you can still order additional tickets for your +1 (or +2…we won’t limit you) under this link: https://muth.at/programm/fokus-kontrabass-2024-10-25/
This will ensure that everything is perfectly organized for the big night. Thank you for your continued support—we truly couldn’t do this without you!
Grateful and excited, Sofija & Dominik
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ar Backers,
We hope you all had a fantastic summer! Ours has certainly been filled with excitement, and we’re thrilled to share some important news with you today.
After working tirelessly behind the scenes, we’re excited to announce that we have a new venue, and tickets are officially on sale!
While our original location had to change, we’ve poured our hearts into ensuring everything remains on track. After quite the journey, we’re proud to reveal our new venue:
MuTh – Wiener Sängerknaben Konzertsaal!
We couldn’t be happier to host our concert in this incredible space on October 25th at 9:00 PM. It’s going to be a late-night performance, and we’re particularly excited about the atmosphere that will bring!
For those of you who supported us with the «GUEST» tier donation, rest assured, your tickets will be waiting for you. You can collect them at the box office (Kassa) at MuTh on the day of the concert, under the name you provided during your donation.
If you haven’t secured a ticket yet, or if you’d like to bring someone along, tickets are still available for purchase here:
We can’t wait to see you at Fokus: Kontrabass next month and share this unforgettable experience together!
With gratitude and excitement, Sofija and Dominik <3
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ar supporters!
We hope you are enjoying your summer and finding creative ways to deal with the heat. All of us are busy rehearsing and playing concerts but we cannot wait for that very special one in October :)
We are currently in the process of sending out goodies and wanted to give a little update on how they work:
Our wonderful Illustrator, Iskra has been a busy bee and has already made some of you very happy with her beautiful art. If you are one of the people who chose «THE MUSE» reward - please make sure to keep an eye on your e-mail so we can make sure that your illustration finds it’s rightful owner ;)
THE FANS - we will be sending out CDs to your addresses in September when we are back in Vienna. Good things come to those who wait!
To our EATERS - we look forward to hosting you this coming Autumn! Please look out for an email with all the details!
To all the NERDS - we hope you are enjoying your special and exclusive scores and that your fingers aren’t bleeding yet! To those of you who still didn’t receive them - we are sure you are impatient so don’t forget to keep an eye out for an E-mail from Dominik ;)
And to all of our GUESTS and everyone with a ticket - you will receive a link with your digital ticket a couple weeks before the concert. We are incredibly excited to see you all there!
Thank you again so much to everyone who has supported us and our project. We are so happy to be able to do what we love, and it wouldn’t be possible without supporters like you!
Hugs to all! -Sofija and Dominik
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That’s it!
Thanks to your support, we reached not only our goal of 5.000€ but we even surpassed our stretch goal and raised 5.538€!
We are not only thankful but so proud of everyone who actively supported us and stood beside us on this journey.
Now for the fun part - realising the project and making sure your goodies find their way to you! We will regularly update you on the progress of the development of our project and can’t wait to show you what we have in store.
Sending big hugs to everyone, Onwards and Upwards! Sofija & Dominik
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We reached our goal of 5.000€ thanks to your support! Incredible!
Thank you for making this project possible and for bringing new wind to classical music with us.
Now comes the next stage for us - realising the project! We are so excited for the months ahead and will keep you all updated on how it’s going.
4 days are still left - any additional donations will be used to improve your experience further ;)
We look forward to rewarding all of you with your chosen goodies and prizes and we are sending you lots of hugs!
Onwards and upwards 👆🏼
Danke! Hvala! Thank you!
Sofija & Dominik
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This is it! The final sprint!
Less than 500€ missing but only 5 days left 👀
We are so grateful to each and every one of you - thank you for making our project possible.
We still need you! Share this campaign to those who haven’t heard of it yet and make sure we get the last bit of support we need to make this a reality 💪🏼
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Thank you! Danke! Hvala!
85% down, 15% to go! Incredible! We are so thankful to everyone for their incredible support. Let’s give it a final push to make it to 100% which this project deserves!
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Thank you! Danke! Hvala!
We raised the first third and got the second third pledged by Bank Austria! 🏼
I am so proud and grateful to each and every one of you! Let’s not stop here - one third to go! Share this with your friends and families and let’s finish this thing strong!