Forest Jam Madagascar 2015

by Forest Jam

Kerns, Lucerne, and Antanananivo

We are young swiss musicians and organize yearly educational events with international master musicians from trad./world genre. 2015 our journey leads us to madagascar...

CHF 1’740

18% of CHF 9’500

18 %
This is how it works

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

15 backers

Concluded on 7/3/2015

The Goal

Forest Jam is a cultural exchange in the most simple way – making music, traveling and living together for a month. A group of 9 young Swiss artists travel to Madagascar in April 2015 on an educational journey. The goal is to get to know the local music- and lifestyle and to collaborate with young and also traditional Malagasy musicians.

  • Forest Jam 2014 in Switzerland
    Forest Jam 2014 in Switzerland
  • Forest Jam 2014 in Switzerland
    Forest Jam 2014 in Switzerland
  • percussion group in Antananarivo
    percussion group in Antananarivo
  • Forest Jam 2014 in Switzerland
    Forest Jam 2014 in Switzerland
  • Forest Jam 2014 in Switzerland
    Forest Jam 2014 in Switzerland
  • Forest Jam 2014 in Switzerland
    Forest Jam 2014 in Switzerland
  • Forest Jam 2014 in Switzerland
    Forest Jam 2014 in Switzerland
  • Forest Jam 2014 in Switzerland
    Forest Jam 2014 in Switzerland
  • Forest Jam 2014 in Switzerland
    Forest Jam 2014 in Switzerland
  • Forest Jam 2014 in Switzerland
    Forest Jam 2014 in Switzerland
  • Forest Jam 2014 in Switzerland
    Forest Jam 2014 in Switzerland

What we do

Our educational journey starts in the capital Antananarivo where we prepare for two free live gigs with several local musicians. We then travel in small buses to the North of the great island where we meet and work with more local musicians with the idea to perform live gigs in Ambanja, Diego Suarez and the island of Nosy Be. Our homepage is, or here you find our English Facebook.

  • Diego Suarez, Madagascar
    Diego Suarez, Madagascar
  • On the Road..
    On the Road..
  • original master plan on a serviette;-)
    original master plan on a serviette;-)
  • Coco plays the malagasy berimbau
    Coco plays the malagasy berimbau
  • Diego Suarez, Madagascar
    Diego Suarez, Madagascar
  • Monja Monintsindava Group
    Monja Monintsindava Group
  • Olombelo Ricky mit Band..Projektvorbereitung Herbst 2014
    Olombelo Ricky mit Band..Projektvorbereitung Herbst 2014
  • We even had a newspaper article so far..
    We even had a newspaper article so far..
  • On the road..
    On the road..
  • Diego Suarez, Madagascar
    Diego Suarez, Madagascar

Who is involved

  • Olombelo Ricky is Madagascar’s most popular musician, an outspoken environmental activist and a highly regarded ethnomusicologist. Ricky recorded his first international album with Airto Moreira in 1995 after touring Switzerland extensively with Patent Ochsner. He lectures at the Universities of Southampton and Munich to promote the Malagasy Culture.
  • Madala Kunene, the King of the Zulu Guitar calls his musical style Madala Line with some roots remotely embedded in maskanda but South African blues and folk might be better description of his music. Madala’s unique gift is that his music incorporates all South African folk styles. Madala recorded 3 albums with Swiss guitarist Max Lässer.
  • Robert Trunz, Swiss music producer and founder of the UK based label MELT2000. Robert is the initiator and organizer of FOREST JAM.
  • In the team are young musicians from Switzerland, Madagascar, South Africa and Senegal.
  • Olombelo Ricky
    Olombelo Ricky
  • Madala Kunene
    Madala Kunene
  • Robert Trunz
    Robert Trunz
  • Tarang Cissoko from Senegal
    Tarang Cissoko from Senegal
  • Gontse Makhene from Soweto, South Africa and Matthias Abächerli, Switzerland
    Gontse Makhene from Soweto, South Africa and Matthias Abächerli, Switzerland
  • Tarang Cissoko und Fabio Meier, Schweiz
    Tarang Cissoko und Fabio Meier, Schweiz
  • Glauco Cataldo, Switzerland
    Glauco Cataldo, Switzerland
  • Camille Bossard, Switzerland
    Camille Bossard, Switzerland
  • Tarang with Fabio Meier, Switzerland
    Tarang with Fabio Meier, Switzerland

Why we need your support

A large portion of the expenses in Madagascar during this one month long project in Madagascar has already been secured. We receive help from friends and family in Switzerland and South Africa. All young SWISS musicians pay for their own air tickets and visa cost. What is missing are financial contributions for a group of 25 participating musicians to cover local transport, food and accommodation. Fortunately living costs in Madagascar are very reasonable which keeps the cost at a rational level. We are most grateful for every contribution.

  • malagasy hat
    malagasy hat
  • leather wristbands
    leather wristbands
  • handbags
  • The Kabosy
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  • The valiha
    The valiha