Global Talent Visa fund

by Mirabelle


I have been endorsed by the Arts Council England with a Global Talent Visa to work in the U.K. for the next 5 years. I am now reaching out for help to pay for its rather epic costs.

CHF 6’658

113% of CHF 5’885

113 %
This is how it works

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

70 backers

Successfully concluded on 4/8/2024

YOU MADE IT possible By Mirabelle, on 04/08/2024

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113% of the fund reached. Absolutely mad. You made it possible. I can’t seem to find the words to express the depth of my gratitude. I feel relief and happiness. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! M.

113% des fonds récoltés. Complètement dingue! C’est grâce à vous et je n’ai pas de mots pour exprimer l’intensité de ma gratitude. Je suis soulagée et heureuse. MERCI! M.

113% della raccolta ottenuta! Incredibile! Grazie a voi è diventato realtà. Non trovo les parole per esprimere quanto sono grata. Mi sento sollevata e semplicemente felice. Grazie mille! M.

C'EST FAIT! DONE! FATTO!By Mirabelle, on 29/07/2024

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Illustrations - Samuel Patthey
Illustrations - Samuel Patthey


I have added the costs (registrations fee and immigration appointment) for an additional objective since I still have 6 days. I am so grateful to have reached the funding goal already thanks to you all! With all my Love and light. Mirabelle

J’ai rajouté les autres frais en tant qu’objectif additionnel (postulations et rdv au bureau d’immigration) car il me reste encore 6 jours pour cette récolte. Je suis si heureuse et touchée d’avoir atteint l’objectif grâce à vous. Avec toute ma gratitude et tendresse, Mirabelle

Ho aggiunto i costi di registrazione e del appuntamento nel ufficio dell’immigrazione, già che rimangono 6 giorni a questa raccolta. Sono molto felice e grata di aver raggiunto l’obbiettivo primo grazie a voi. Con amore, Mirabelle

3 jours et déjà 43%By Mirabelle, on 07/07/2024

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Waiting for Godot-makeit.
Waiting for Godot-makeit.


For your incredible response already! The race has officially started.I am scared and excited! 27 days to go.

Pour votre incroyable réponse déjà! La course a commencé. Je suis heureuse et nerveuse. 27 jours au compteur.

Grazie della vostra incredibile risposta! La corsa è iniziata. Sono felice e nervosa. 27 giorni ancora.