¯\_(ツ)_/¯Oups, la vidéo a été retirée par l’initiateur du projet.

Après 152 ans d’amitié entre Hawaï et la Suisse a conclu un contrat, il est temps de célébrer. Nous apportons Hawaï pour la Suisse.


0% de CHF 50’000

0 %
Comment ça fonctionneä

Le principe du «tout ou rien» s’applique: l’argent ne sera reversé au projet qu’à condition d’avoir atteint ou dépassé l’objectif de financement.

0 contributeur*rice

Clôturé le 6.3.2016

More Rewards PostedDe SugarCaneCultureClub, le 23.02.2016

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Gérard Koch, President for Sugar Cane Culture Club and Team Leader for HANA HOU Hawaii Festival in Switzerland, works tirelessly with promotion.For a Swiss individual, Gérard managed to write to his every contact on his Facebook account. Prior to composed personalized messages to his Facebook contacts, he engaged with his contacts’ Facebook timeline posts for several months. While «farming» his Facebook account, Gérard also work his way through his personal email contacts. Gérard revisited contacts whom he met while promoting the Hawaii Festival in

  1. Progress is moving forward to promote the Hawaii Festival.

The good news: Four individuals came forward in response to Gérard’s ourtreach: Brigette Röösli, who shares Sugar Cane Culture Club’s posts endlessly; Beat Hirt, who, while on vacation, responded positively; and Roger Koch, a Zurich HVAC business owner and brother to Gérard, shared the Hawaii Festival with his contacts. The fourth individual manages movie theaters, who will show the crowdfunding announcement. Please let us know your thoughts about the graphics, when you see it up on the movie screen. Catering to the Swiss audience can be challenging. We hope our efforts do not disappoint. Mahalo to these four individuals for their efforts and consideration!

This is the half-way point where more rewards are posted on our crowdfunding campaign. We have many unclaimed rewards to Appeal to both straight Music Lovers with our CHF 10.- download of the HANA HOU Hawaii Festival Music Concert, as well as those who would like the opportunity to stay on Oahu at a private oceanfront property or enjoy a lomilomi massage package here in Switzerland.

When you don’t have many Options available, what do you seek for the ultimate distraction? Gérard’s diligently promotes the Hawaii Festival as healthy distraction for the Swiss citizenry. Hawaiian culture is the «downtime» every Swiss worker needs to decompress and reset their frame of mind. If you support the Hawaii Festival campaign, then you won’t be disappointed about experiencing a little bit of the Hawaiian Islands.

Recently, Our Hawaiian Headlines Daily has been pulling up a lot of negative News. It is difficult not to feel overwhelmed and defeated, considering all the bad news that is shared on social media platforms. I tried to reset the «Topic» to include more positive News, but the only way to ensure some Level of positivity: I comb through each publication and select the articles best suited for the readership of Our Hawaiian Headlines Daily. I hope you enjoy the results.

From the bottom of our hearts, the Sugar Cane Culture Club hopes for a successful end to our crowdfunding campaign. Success would mean Gérard invested two years of his time to bring some Hawaiian sunshine to Switzerland. This would be the icing on the cake to the 152nd Anniversary of the Friendship Treaty signed between the Hawaiian Kingdom and Switzerland.

HANA HOU Hawaii Festival zur ZwischenprüfungDe SugarCaneCultureClub, le 18.01.2016

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Gerne möchte ich eure Meinung zu unserem Projekt haben.Morgen werden wir den Vorstellungsfilm drehen und der momentane Platzhalter austauschen. Weiter wird das letzte Foto für einen weiteren Musik-Kurzfilm ausgetauscht. Dazu kommt noch unser Vereinvorstellung unterhalb der Belohnung.

Englische Version ist zu 70% fertig. Es fehlen wie in der deutschen Version die Filme etc.

Die Französische Version ist noch in Arbeit.

Gerne würde ich einen Zwischenbericht vom Projekt von dir erhalten.Was sollte geändert werden, was ist gut, was ist verbesserungswürdig?

Danke für dein Feedback und einen schönen Abend. Gérard