Raising awareness for Autism and CHF1'000 for «Autismus Deutsche Schweiz» (ADS), an amazing charity that helps thousands of families (like us and our beautiful autistic daughter) across Switzerland

CHF 10’050

100% di CHF 10’000

100 %
Come funzionaä

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

116 sostenitori

Concluso con successo il 27.7.2022

Everyone with Autism is different yet each possesses a strength which makes them unique.

My beautiful daughter Victoria is 10 years old and has Autism with an unknown genetic disorder. Being Dyslexia myself, I personally know how hard it is for anyone with special needs and how challenging it can be on a daily basis. So, seeing this hardship and challenge my daughter faces everyday makes me want to do as much as I can to support and encourage her as she gets older.

When asked «how do you describe Victoria?» I usually answer, it’s her Autism which defines her. Victoria has this beautiful innocence of honestly, desperate to tell her toys about all her adventures and her experiences of her day. When she finally got her diagnosis, it led to the help and recognition she needed. She now attends a special needs school with five other students in her class. I remember her first day of school and my fear of the unknown - I can’t imagine what must have gone through her mind. The fear, confusion and anxiety of something so different.

Each day Victoria suffers from sensory overload, causing her to be short fused, demanding, hitting and screaming leading to meltdowns. She need hours processing the daily impressions before she can finally fall asleep. All this challenges us on a daily basis.

I want to raise awareness about hidden disabilities and especially Autism which can be very hard for the person and family involved. From simply leaving the house, to getting dressed, going to school, finding a job and being independent. Everything is a challenge. That’s why charities like «Autismus Deutsche Schweiz» are so important; they help thousands of families across Switzerland, offering support and guidance they so desperately need.

ADS is such an amazing charity, that’s why I want to do my part.

Thank you so very much!

All proceeds...

…are going to the Charity ADS

Who are «Autismus Deutsche Schweiz»? https://www.autismus.ch/

ADS offices were established in 2013 as a non- profit charity and have more than tripled in member size. They have created various new autism-friendly events (including working with the Zurich Zoo and Pathé cinemas) and are undertaking awareness-raising projects for everyday life (e.g. quiet hours with the supermarket chain «SPAR»). They also provide online training courses and workshops (i.e. on communication or on how to find a job). ADS is one of the biggest Autism charities in Switzerland yet they have little funding, with most of their budget being financed by fundraising and donations.

  • Autism-friendly day at Zurich Zoo 25.06.2022
    Autism-friendly day at Zurich Zoo 25.06.2022
  • Autism-friendly day at Zurich Zoo 25.06.2022
    Autism-friendly day at Zurich Zoo 25.06.2022
  • Autism-friendly day at Zurich Zoo 25.06.2022
    Autism-friendly day at Zurich Zoo 25.06.2022
  • Autism-friendly cinema screening at the cinema pathé
    Autism-friendly cinema screening at the cinema pathé
  • Autism-friendly cinema screening at the cinema pathé
    Autism-friendly cinema screening at the cinema pathé

About the hike...

Each year, my goal is to raise money and continually heighten society’s awareness of Autism.

I plan to raise CHF 1’000 for the charity and I would love to achieve this with your help!

This year, on the 22nd of July, my sister Vikki and I will be hiking the «5-lakes» on mount Pizol. It’s one of the most popular hikes with its 5 crystal clear mountain lakes and spectacular views of the Eastern Switzerland Alps. The 11.4km will take us roughly 4.5 hours.

On the 22nd of July from Wangs, we will be making our way up 2 chair lifts to our starting point. From there we will see the 5 lakes called Wangser See, Wildsee, Schottensee, Schwarzsee and Baschalvasee.

During the hike, I will constantly be posting pictures and videos of our progress and the beautiful scenery. Fingers crossed on the weather!!