Hong Kong In Between 香港之間

di Parallel Lab

Hong Kong

Hong Kong In Between retrace l’histoire de STAG, un tabouret-sac à dos que nous avons développé afin d’explorer les espaces publics interstitielles et ambigus de cette ville.

EUR 21’180

111% di EUR 19’000

111 %
Come funziona

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

89 sostenitori

Concluso con successo il 6.3.2015

Book launches Switzerland and ParisDi Parallel Lab, il 13.06.2015

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ar Friends,

It’s time for some updates about HONG KONG IN BETWEEN!

A few weeks ago we had the immense pleasure to finally launch HONG KONG IN BETWEEN in Hong Kong; the city where it all started. The celebration and echo was great and we were delighted to have the chance to meet some of you and to hand over the rewards in person.

For all our supporters in Switzerland and France, the same will be possible! Please pencil down the book launch dates in Zurich (1st July), Lausanne (3rd July) and Paris (24th June)! All further information are on the flyers below.

We very much look forward seeing you there. In case you can’t make it or you live too far away as some of our supporters please know that your rewards will be posted to your address directly after.

We wish you all a great summer and can’t wait meeting you.

All the best

Caroline & Geraldine

HONG KONG IN BETWEEN fresh of the press!Di Parallel Lab, il 08.05.2015

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ar Friends of ’Hong Kong In-Between’

There was no doubt that you needed to be the first ones to see these pictures. ’Hong Kong In-Between’ has got fresh off the press yesterday evening!

The book is not binded or further finished yet but ready in its most beautiful uncut state ! We can’t wait to have them soon in hand to further dispatch them together with the other rewards to all of you!


For the ones in HONG KONG please pencil down the evening of the 22nd May, 7-9pm in your calendars! It will be the time to celebrate all together at the BOOK LAUNCH! Detailed invitations follow next week.

For all others don’t be disappointed there will be a book launch in ZURICH, LAUSANNE and PARIS to follow end of June, beginning of July. Details will follow and we sincerely hope to have the chance seeing you there!

All the best,

Caroline and Geraldine

WE MADE IT !!Di Parallel Lab, il 06.03.2015

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ar Backers,

We are speechless and incredibly touched by all the support our project has got. A few weeks ago we have still been doubting if crowd funding is the right way to go and were unable to hope for the scenario of what just happened:

HONG KONG IN BETWEEN has successfully been backed and within absolute record time! WE MADE IT!!!

It is time to send you all an immense THANK YOU for your trust, support and belief you put in us and this project. The excitement for us continues now by finalising the book and we can’t wait to see it on the printing press!

As it looks and if all runs smooth the book should be out this spring in HK and beginning of this summer in Europe!

Before that of course you will hear from us as the T-shirts, posters, STAGs etc are waiting for you and will be sent out as soon as the first copies of the book get out of the printer!

We keep you posted !

Caroline & Geraldine

We're almost there!Di Parallel Lab, il 18.02.2015

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ar Backers

You have all shown an imense support to our project and we would like to thank you for trusting in what we do.

In 2 weeks time we have got a support of 15’000euros which means that the HONG KONG IN BETWEEN is backed up to 80% already!

Please help us to continue spread the word and to make the last 20%. We have 15 more days to make it and as known these are the most difficult to make. So if you know anybody that would be happy to support or write up an article or spread the word through other means, feel free to put them in touch with us.

This morning going through our image folder about STAG we came across this «making of» photo composition we originally intended to use for the book. It will in the end not be featured in the book but we thought that this might be interesting to share.

Enjoy and Kung Hei Fat Choi (Happy Chinese New Year)!

What a start !Di Parallel Lab, il 06.02.2015

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ar HONG KONG IN BETWEEN supporters!

Thanks to you we have already collected 3744 Euros in less than 3 days!!! Many thanks to all of you that have helped us with your kind contribution. This is the best start we were able to wish and we are confident that we will make it!

Now you are part of this project and we can’t wait celebrating its publication with you! Continue helping us to spread the word!

You can send the following link to friends, family, architects, designers, or anybody that you think might be interested !


Meanwhile we would like to share with you these pictures of Uncle Chan and Mr Tang that have sewn the STAGs and have been the incredible encounter behind this project. As you can see they are huge STAG lovers themselves !