When there's a tight album, there has to be an even tighter sequel. What happened to Luntaris and the last survivors in that dark night and how does the story continue?

INFINITAS releases a new album

CHF 20’868

104% of CHF 20’000

104 %
This is how it works

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

164 backers

Successfully concluded on 18/9/2019

NEUE SINGLE ONLINE!By INFINITAS - Fantasy infused Melodic Metal, on 04/11/2019

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Hey Folks

Kennst du diese Sehnsucht nach jemandem, den du nie wieder sehen wirst? Du versuchst damit zu leben, die Wunden heilen zu lassen, aber vergessen wirst du nie…

Genau darum gehts in unserem neuen Song #RAHU, und wir sind gespannt wie du den Song findest.

Ausserdem ist der Vorverkauf fürs Album online. Wenn du es also noch nicht via Crowdfunding bestellt hast, nutze jetzt die Chance, es noch vorzubestellen!

Vorbestellen hier: https://attack.infinitasband.ch

Yeah! Wir grüssen euch aus dem Thal


FÄNZ-Abig/FÄNZ-NightBy INFINITAS - Fantasy infused Melodic Metal, on 20/10/2019

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some impressions
some impressions

Hey folks!

What a great evening with the crowdfunders who wanted to try FÄNZ once in their life! Traditionally dressed, we cooked for our supporters with neat butter, milk, flour, a bit of salt and pepper and bread. Really unhealthy would say all the super food fans, but do you know what? It was awesome! Everyone got enough, the mood was humid and laid-back, the music invited to drink some coffee with Schnapps and the supporters tried to play the traditional instruments as well.

We hope to speak on behalf of all participants, when we say: It was a absolutly fantastic evening!

Thanks for your support!

Greetings from the Muotathal


WE MADE IT!!!By INFINITAS - Fantasy infused Melodic Metal, on 11/10/2019

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Thank you! (Foto: Rico Derungs)
Thank you! (Foto: Rico Derungs)

Hey folks!

WOW! You are so amazing! Thank you so much for your unbelievable support and help. We made it!

Now we can keep going on with our new album and we promise you, it will be a damn good hell.

Soon we will send you all a personal Thank-You-E-Mail. For the moment we prepare all crowdfunding datas. So we can easier prepare all packages and rewards. Yeah!

Have all a wonderful weekend!

Cheers and greetings from Muotathal


Final sprint ahoi! Schlussspurt ahoi!By INFINITAS - Fantasy infused Melodic Metal, on 15/09/2019

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Selfmade X-Mas Cookies - Selbstgemachte Weihnachtskekse
Selfmade X-Mas Cookies - Selbstgemachte Weihnachtskekse

Hey folks

Final sprint!

3 days left until the end of our crowdfunding campaign. Goodies for 15 100 CHF have already been purchased. Wow! 🔥 We would like to thank all the supporters who believe in us and are part of our new album INFERNUM. Now it’s time for the last 26%.

Iin order to make the final sprint a little more delicious, we decided to bake for you. 🤘 Look forward to a great Christmas presentation from the INFINITAS kitchen!

The goodie is now published on #wemakeit.


#xmaskitchen #musicbooster #finalsprint

Greetings from Muotathal


Today is the day! Heute ist der Tag!By INFINITAS - Fantasy infused Melodic Metal, on 12/09/2019

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Hey Folks

New video going online today! 🤘

We’re happy to announce: the new videoclip AVNAS will be online today at 18:00 o’clock!

Avnas is about the «inner fire», the passion to do something and the urge to achieve something.

Be part of the premiere at 18:00:

🔥 https://watch.infinitasband.ch/avnas 🔥

Greetings from Muotathal


Welcome on our release show! Willkommen an unserer Albumtaufe!By INFINITAS - Fantasy infused Melodic Metal, on 06/09/2019

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INFERNUM Release Show
INFERNUM Release Show

Hey folks!

We have added a new reward!

Buy your Ticket for the Album Release Show at the Chollerhalle Zug (CH) now and save yourself a personal invitation and an INFERNUM Welcome Goodie!

Yeah! We thank you for your support and look forward to meeting you at the release show!

Greetings from Muotathal


PS: Abinchova will support our release show!

THANK YOU - DANKE!!!By INFINITAS - Fantasy infused Melodic Metal, on 03/09/2019

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Hey Folks!

We just want to say THANK YOU for your awesome support at our concerts and for our crowdfunding campaign. 🔥

If you want to support us further so we can achieve our goals, you’re welcome to share the crowdfunding campaign with your friends ❤.

Your support means the world to us.

Greetings from Muotathal


Trailer for AVNASBy INFINITAS - Fantasy infused Melodic Metal, on 30/08/2019

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Hey folks!

Now you can get a first idea how the new album INFERNUM will sound like. The trailer for AVNAS is here! This song is all about the fire in your heart. The full clip will be released on 12.09.2019! So stay tuned for that.

Enjoy your weekend, greetings from Muotathal.


New Goodie: Fänz for allBy INFINITAS - Fantasy infused Melodic Metal, on 25/08/2019

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Hey folks!

Metal? Huh? Who’s saying anything about metal? Our new album is going to be ancient and traditional, as it belongs in Muotathal. What do you think? 🧐

And if you want to experience the traditional customs in the Muotathal for an evening, then sign up for our FÄNZ EVENING!

Greetings from Muotathal


New INFINITAS family member! By INFINITAS - Fantasy infused Melodic Metal, on 19/08/2019

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  • Savannah Childers
    Savannah Childers
  • Savannah Childers at Eluveities Album Release of Ategnatos (2019)
    Savannah Childers at Eluveities Album Release of Ategnatos (2019)

Hey folks!

We’re really happy to announce that Savannah Childers is now officially a member of INFINITAS.

Savannah’s been playing live concerts with us since February as a session musician and we’ve really bonded - as musicians as well as friends. That’s why we decided that wasn’t enough and we are now blood brothers. :)

Aside from being a very talented violinist, Savannah as a person fits perfectly into our family. Please welcome her!

Greetings from Muotathal


P.S. By the way it’s her birthday today: HAPPY BIRTHDAY & WELCOME!

Welocme the INFERNUM artwork!By INFINITAS - Fantasy infused Melodic Metal, on 18/08/2019

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Hey guys!

We are very proud to present you the devilish album cover from our upcoming album INFERNUM. Franz Föhn created this epic artwork showing the hell that waits for the main character who survived the nightmare of Lunatris (from CIVITAS INTERITUS).

Order your copy now and take the journey with us.


Greetins from Muotathal,


New Goodie in!By INFINITAS - Fantasy infused Melodic Metal, on 13/08/2019

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  • Limited Self-Destruction Zip Hoodie (Size: L & M)
    Limited Self-Destruction Zip Hoodie (Size: L & M)
  • INFINITAS survival lighter
    INFINITAS survival lighter


We have a new goodie online for you.

Get one of the last self-destruction zip hoodies! There are only sizes M & L left. Winter is coming, we’ll help you to survive. There’s also a useful lighter for emergency stuff!

And by the way: Thursday we have some great news for you!

Stay tuned :D

Greetings from Muotathal,


Single Release on August 30th 2019By INFINITAS - Fantasy infused Melodic Metal, on 06/08/2019

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We really want to thank you for your support! It is not self-evident today and we know that!

Guess what? Our new album is really coming along great! At the moment we’re mixing the songs with Tommy Vetterli. Our sound has really developed. Thanks Tommy for your support! 🤩

By the way, we’ll be releasing the album’s first single on August 30th. Something you can really look forward to! 🤗

Metal greetings from Muotathal,


Single-Veröffentlichung am 30.08.19By INFINITAS - Fantasy infused Melodic Metal, on 06/08/2019

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Wir danken dir, dass du an uns glaubst und uns hilfst, das Crowdfunding zu stemmen! Das ist in der heutigen Zeit nicht selbstverständlich und das wissen wir!

Und weisst du was? Unser neues Album wird wirklich toll! Gerade sind wir dabei die Songs bei Tommy Vetterli zu mixen. Oh ja, eine Weiterentwicklung unseres Sounds ist definitv zu hören. Ein fettes Danke an dieser Stelle an Tommy. 🤩

Übrigens veröffentlichen wir am 30. August unsere erste Single des neuen Albums. Du darfst dich freuen! 🤗

Metallische Grüsse aus dem Muotathal