Jeremy Ratib - Recording LP1

von Jeremy Ratib

Genf und Zürich

My first full length album is nearly complete and I need your support for the final stretch. It would be a dream to record it in the company of other musicians, but I can't do it without your help!

Crowdfunding-Projekt teilen

CHF 4’230

70% von CHF 6’000

70 %
So funktioniert’s

Es gilt das «Alles oder Nichts»-Prinzip: Nur wenn das Finanzierungsziel erreicht oder übertroffen wird, werden dem Projekt die Gelder ausgezahlt.

34 Unterstützer*innen

19 Tage verbleibend


When I started working on this new album back in 2021, I was thinking a lot about my childhood and what it meant to grow up in the U.S at that time, how it nurtured what became a close personal relationship and a total fascination with contemporary American mythology.

I eventually realized that so much time had passed since, that rather than trying to recount these memories, I would write a new story. It would take the form of a series of capsules, internal worlds, autonomous, volatile, and mysterious, conveying feeling rather than meaning.

During the past few years, I’ve also begun to cultivate a curiosity for the medium of analog recording and the spontaneity and immediacy that tracking to tape entails. Considering the recording process as a compositional tool sparked a desire to capture the essence of a song, to catch a fleeting moment, while using the many limitations of the medium as a source of inspiration.


The current state of the project today is an accumulation of sketches and demos, some which you can hear in the «Teaser» video, and all of which await to be molded, transgressed, or entirely destroyed and rebuilt from the ground up. The objective is now to create an environment in which these seeds can grow organically. In bringing new artists like Valentin Liechti, Robin Girod, and Augustin Von Arx to work on the project, I hope to broaden the universe these songs currently inhabit by incorporating each of their complex worlds.


Concretely, in order to enter this new phase, together with a newly formed constellation of musicians, I’m reaching out to you for your support. The collected funds will be entirely dedicated to covering the costs of compensation for each musician and the daily cost of use for the studio during these sessions. The tracking and mixing of the 12-14 tracks would amount to an approximate total of 12000 francs.

Hopefully, with your help, in addition to potential funding from the state or from private institutions, these sessions will take place this October in both Robin’s and Valentin’s recording studios in Geneva, with a horizon for an album release at the end of this year. We would be infinitely grateful for any kind of contribution from your part to complete this story that comes from a place of love and fascination. I hope some of this has resonated with you, and that we can bring this project across the finish line together.

Thanks for listening,

your’s truly
