Journalism is not a crime!

Journalism is not a crime!

by Pascal


Meltem Oktay is in prison because she criticised the Turkish forces in the Kurdish areas in Turkey. They took her camera away. As a journalist she needs a new one when she comes free in November 2019.

CHF 1’477

36% of CHF 4’000

36 %
This is how it worksä

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

22 backers

Concluded on 13/6/2019

Interview in the Morning StarBy Pascal, on 21/05/2019

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A few days ago Steve Sweeney form the morning star wrote about my campaign:

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Kurzer Beschreib auf Deutsch zum Projekt.

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Kurzes Video zum Projekt auf Schweizerdeutsch.