Kari Kari cares about the future of our planet. Therefore we look forward to offering you a selection that is not only fashionable but also produced in a sustainable way. We love Slow Fashion!

CHF 26’671

106% di CHF 25’000

106 %
Come funziona

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

72 sostenitori

Concluso con successo il 12.2.2017

That's what it is all about

We are Mary and Nina from Kari Kari. Together with you, we want to contribute to a better future.

Kari Kari is a beautiful fashion boutique at Kalkbreitestrasse 43 in Kreis 3. We already sell timeless fashion, accessories and lifestyle products and try to mainly support small labels with a sustainable mindset.

From March 2017 onwards we change our assortment and only list completely fair and ecologically friendly produced labels which comply with our principles of sustainability and represent the approach of Slow Fashion. A lot of people still think that «fair and ecological« does not match with »modern & fashionable». We want to change that. Instead of going with every trend we believe in timeless fashion. Instead of mass production we support fair produced products which we selected for you according to the following criteria.

  • Impact on our environment
  • Fair Trade
  • Support of local craftmanship
  • Multifunctionality
  • Long lasting quality
  • Timeless design
  • Sustainability

We believe in conscious shopping which means engaging oneself in the facts behind the fashion industry and supporting labels with a sustainable supply chain and less negative impact on the environment. It is our motivation to activate peoples’ consciousness for sustainability. It is important to rethink our consumer behavior and to realize that we can make a difference. It is our goal to offer you a transparent, fair produced and at the same time fashionable assortment.

We need your support

In order to be able to browse through our assortment not only in store but also conveniently from home, we plan to relaunch our online shop. This and the payment of our second merchandise order needs some extra money and this is where we rely on you. You can support us financially or by sharing this link with interested, like- minded friends and family. We are very thankful for your help!

We are very much looking forward to meeting you in person at Kari Kari or while redeeming one of our rewards for you!