Kick-start our new album!

von The Flocking Murmuration

Founex, Nyon und Ville-la-Grand

After concerts in 4 countries, we want to record a 2nd album with our latest songs. After our bigger crowdfunding campaign didn't make it, we are now just looking for help funding the first steps!

EUR 3’555

142% von EUR 2’500

142 %
So funktioniert’s

Es gilt das «Alles oder Nichts»-Prinzip: Nur wenn das Finanzierungsziel erreicht oder übertroffen wird, werden dem Projekt die Gelder ausgezahlt.

33 Unterstützer*innen

Erfolgreich abgeschlossen am 9.9.2017

Your Rewards Dispatched!Von The Flocking Murmuration, am 10.04.2018

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ar TFM Crowdfunders,

Your rewards have been dispatched and are on their way to you!

If your reward included signed copies of our first and/or second CDs and/or T-shirts, you should be receiving them in the next couple of days. We have done our best to send you the right T-shirt size and colour with our limited stocks.

If your reward included vinyl, we are experiencing a delay due to the massive upsurge in the general demand for vinyl worldwide - all the best vinyl printers have enormous waiting lists. SORRY about the wait for the vinyl, but we will keep trying to get you your copies of our records on vinyl soon.

If your reward included a private concert, VIP entries to our concert or a guitar lesson, we have been in touch and need to hear back from you to fix those dates/details with you.

The new album you supported can be streamed here and on other major streaming sites:

And our new music video, which you also supported, can be found here:

Finally, if you are in the Geneva area, come along to the Album Launch concert at Le Box in Carouge this Thursday, 12th April.

Hope to see you there!

The Flocking Murmuration

Listen! Sneak preview of our upcoming single!Von The Flocking Murmuration, am 05.12.2017

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Cara - The new single by The Flocking Murmuration
Cara - The new single by The Flocking Murmuration

ar Crowdfunders of our new album; Dear Friends!

We are delighted to be able to share with you a sneak preview of our upcoming single, Cara. This is the first track from our forthcoming album that YOU made happen.

Thank you!

Listen to «Cara» here - and let us know what you think!

Here is the private link we are only sharing with YOU for now:

Look out for it very soon on all major platforms for streaming, download, etc…

Love and peace, TFM

News on the 2nd Album!!Von The Flocking Murmuration, am 18.11.2017

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Fun in the studio no. 1: Stef decided to record all the instruments and voices himself for this album....or did he???
Fun in the studio no. 1: Stef decided to record all the instruments and voices himself for this album....or did he???

ar Friends, Dear Fans : Dear Funders of the second album of The Flocking Murmuration,

Wow ! We were so humbled, grateful and excited to reach and even surpass our funding target to kick-start our second album back in September – thanks completely to each and every one of YOU !

You’ve probably been wondering what we have been up to since then, and we are happy to share with you the progress we have been making on the new record.

Recording and mastering went well – we managed to get all of Matt’s latest basslines on tape before he left us for other shores - and we now have a 7-track album ready for printing (as soon as the album artwork is done…)

We are nearly ready to share some excerpts with you, and you – as funders – will be the first to hear them !

We’ll also be writing to each of you whose donations corresponded with rewards of t-shirts, concerts or lessons, in order to arrange your reward packs and goodies. The CDs should be ready soon, with the vinyl taking a little longer – so be the nature of it !

As for the online release and new videos… well a lot of exciting things are just over the horizon for TFM…. We can’t wait to show you!

Take care all and thank you again so much for your support … and for you patient waiting for our new sounds.

Marc, Stef, Dan and Matt … and Gaël, our new bassist, stepping in for Matt!

Help! 3 days left to reach our target!Von The Flocking Murmuration, am 06.09.2017

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On tour ..... will  we make it to our destination?!
On tour ..... will we make it to our destination?!

ar All, Thanks so much to those who have backed this new effort to fund our second album.

We only have 3 days left and we are still some way to achieving our goal!

Please spread the word to anyone you know who supports the band and truly independent music.

Thank you so much!!!
