Make a donation to Regard Libre until December 31, 2022
Le Regard Libre, a voluntary monthly magazine in French-speaking Switzerland oriented towards reflection, culture and pluralist debate, is launching a crowdfunding to be able to overcome the increase in production costs of its paper edition, due in large part to the increase in the price of paper (+70% in one year).
🤝 As we are keen not to increase our subscription rates, we are counting on your voluntary donations between now and December 31, 2022! Support us via the amount of your choice on this crowdfunding platform and receive rewards!
Thank you in advance! 💙

What Le Regard Libre brings
Analyses of society, open and pluralist debates, readings of works that count today, interviews without a tongue in cheek, a space free of any ideological pressure, strong positions on current events, critiques of the latest artistic news, pens with style and thinkers with character.
In a word: a free look (un «regard libre»). Unique in French-speaking Switzerland. And made possible by a volunteer team organized as a non-profit association, recognized as being of public utility.

What your support will be used for
Thanks to your donations, Le Regard Libre will be able to control the evolution of the price of printing or at least to approach it with a little more serenity, and to finance the investments of the media (in the site, in the events…) that used to be financed by a part of the standard subscription rate, but no longer (the whole amount of the standard subscription is invested in printing and distribution).