What we have done...
Never could I imagine,2 years ago, that my faith would be in «madeleines»! I was not predestined for this, it is the pure fruit of chance… Since everyone told me: «Go ahead, these madeleines are great, nobody does them…it will be success!» So I started with the support of the hotel school of Geneva that lent me its kitchens. The concept is simple: Hand-crafted, preservative and palm oil-free, the madeleines are available in sweet and savory, traditional or mini format. 18 months later (on my own) I manufactured 200 000 madeleines ’with love’ with my 10 little fingers, placed them in bags and delivered them to my clients. I was able to grow without losing my soul.
Today, the madeleines are baked by a carefully selected pastry laboratory in Geneva. Madeleines are sold in selected shops and to many different private clients. But it is no time to rest on our laurels!
What we want to do...
The idea is –once again – simple. Thanks to our imagination and many many hours of work we were able to come up with a worldwide unique product: the madeleine biscuit shortcake! It has the shape of a madeleine, it has the taste of a madeleine, but it is a shortcake. Flavors include lemon, caramel and salted butter, pear, chocolate…
Madeleines are ideal for a small bite or as an accompaniment to coffee, sweet tea like Marcel Proust «I raised to my lips a spoonfull of the tea in which I had soaked a morsel of the madeleine.» We are convinced that our product has a bright future. We have protected the idea and the recipe. I cannot be reproduced without legal consequences.

What we’ll do...
Both products (traditional and shortcake) are existing.
They must grow in terms of packaging, international sales, new pictures for efficient communication, point-of-sale display to highlight the madeleines, development of new aromas… Our team (me alone!) must grow in order to achieve those wonderful new challenges.
We wish to stay close to you and keep you informed. We hope that you will spread the word out to promote our madeleines tradition and our madeleines shortcake to all your friends.
These are the reasons for us to come to you!
What you will gain...
If we reach our goal, you will need to get used to see our / your madeleines eveywhere. You can tell to yourself : Yess… I put my stone to the building, it’s nice! In addition, you can follow our / your story regularly in our newsletters that will help us to. Most important you will participate to the wonderful adventure of «gourmandise» !
Of course your generosity will be rewarded with gourmandise gifts and exceptional moments. And if you explode the counters, we will not leave under the coconut trees, was already have in our piepline the next great gourmandise idea.

A new story...
One day we write a book about this great adventure. Be part of it !