les soeurs nomades / scarves

di les-soeurs-nomades

Berna e Vienna

Our signature scarves are ready for production.

Get prepared for Scottish summer and secure yourself
one of the first items!

CHF 4’255

121% di CHF 3’500

121 %
Come funziona

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

22 sostenitori

Concluso con successo il 24.7.2018

Rannoch Moor Scarves - Work in Progress!Di les-soeurs-nomades, il 29.08.2018

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Here the next pictures from our weaver, who just has woven 22 meters of Rannoch Moor Tartan!

Hier die nächsten Fotos von unserem Weber, der soeben 22 Meter Rannoch Moor Tartan gewoben hat!

Weaver/Weber Ashleigh Slater online: https://www.tartancaledonia.co.uk/ https://www.facebook.com/tartancaledonia/ https://www.instagram.com/tartancaledonia

The Rannoch Moor yarns are getting on the loom!Di les-soeurs-nomades, il 27.07.2018

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This was just posted by our weaver Ashleigh Slater from Tartan Caledonia:

@les_soeurs_nomades - Rannoch Moor tartan - this is what 22 meters looks like. I have split the warps up to make it more manageable. Now to figure out how to fit all this warp on a hand-loom #needabiggerbeam

Our scarves are for everyone! Di les-soeurs-nomades, il 16.07.2018

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Our scarves suit men just as well as women, as you can can see! :-) A big thanks to model Adriano B. for posing for us at very short notice and at a very late hour!

Try it on! Probier ihn an!Di les-soeurs-nomades, il 26.06.2018

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Schau dir unverbindlich unseren Prototypen an bevor du entscheidest. In Wien oder in Bern. Melde dich auf FB oder schreib uns ein Mail!

Before you decide: see our prototype without any obligation in Vienna or in Berne. Write us on FB or get in contact via mail!

sisters (ät) les-soeurs-nomades.com https://www.facebook.com/LesSoeursNomades

Postcards / Postkarte Raven and FogDi les-soeurs-nomades, il 20.06.2018

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  • Postcard Raven
    Postcard Raven
  • Postcard Fog
    Postcard Fog

Here two samples of the six postcards which are on offer. Thank you for your support! Any amount is welcome!

Hier zwei Sujets unserer sechs Postkarten. Danke für deine Unterstützung! Jeder Betrag ist willkommen!