This is what it's all about.
Do we care about our children and grandchildren enough? Do we think about the future of our families?
We human beings are hard wired to develop, individually and as a group. Everyday, and every generation, we strive to advance our technologies and improve our lives. For some countries that means faster internet, and others it means to be light ones house, have clean water and feed ones family. With each generation’s need to enhance its life, our energy usage increases, more CO2 gets pumped into the atmosphere, and our world comes closer and closer to the point of no return.
Our energy usage will not reduce, but we strive to develop without thinking about the consequences for our Grandchildren and their grandchildren. Our actions will directly effect our families to come. Droughts and floods will cause massive displacement of people and food shortages and the gap between the rich and poor will widen. The lives of our future families will be drastically more challenging than ours if we do not take action now. The technology has been developed for us to make a difference individually and collectively. But, we need to prove that we care for our families of the future, by sacrificing for them.
This campaign enables you to take a first step to invest in the future of your family. You will need to take more steps to ensure their future, but the first step is always the most important. To take that step, back our campaign to remove 100 tons of CO2 out of the air, and store it away forever!
Many of the current methods of fighting climate change are to prevent emissions. The Swiss startup Climeworks ( chose another approach.
The company, founded by two ETH students, has developed a system that filters the CO2 directly from the air. On 31st May, Climeworks launched the world’s first commercial carbon capture plant in Hinwil, Switzerland. The CO2 subsequently serves as fertilizer for a greenhouse and thus prevents the combustion of fossil natural gas. By 2025 Climeworks wants to filter 1 percent of the CO2 production from the atmosphere. Watch
We want to use this technology to filter 100 tons of CO2 from the atmosphere and store it safely underground. The costs for this project amount to 50,000 CHF.
In the video, we explain why we decided to start this campaign.
(There is still a target of 50,000 USD mentioned in the video, because at the time of the recording we were not aware that wemakeit only accepts CHF and EUR, but 50’000 USD and CHF are not very different and we do not know yet the precise price of CO2 in two years. We will simply buy and remove as much as possible, but at least 100 tons.)
My project is special because ...
Just one day before Trump’s decision we witnessed the launch of the world’s first commercial plant for capturing CO2 directly out of the air, by Climeworks in Switzerland!
Climeworks’ vision is to suck up 1 percent of the world’s CO2 production by 2025.
The new Climeworks plant is proof that caring individuals, technology and businesses can truly play a significant role in removing greenhouse gases already in the atmosphere (more here).
We at business campaigning Ltd., Switzerlands leading campaigning agency with a mission to deliver «meaningful campaigns for meaningful for ideas», decided to stand up and take action. So we launched this campaign on our own. We do this as our contribution to climate protection.
With 50’000 CHF, Climeworks will able to suck 100 tons of CO2 from the atmosphere. This is the amount that we would like to contribute to their next CO2 capturing plant. In addition, we want to make it known worldwide that this technology exists and we should use it to limit the CO2 content of the atmosphere.
The CO2 will be removed from the atmosphere at the latest by the end of 2020, earlier if possible. There will be a ceremony to honour all contributors and to unveil the memorial stone.
Let’s suck it up, bring together businesses and citizens of the world, buy 100 tons of CO2 from Climeworks, get rid of it and thus do our own bit for the Paris accord. Yes, we can! We don’t need to wait for the Donald Trumps of this earth.
With your support we can achieve this goal. Be a part of it. Planet first!

This is what I need backing for.
We want to pay Climeworks to filter 100 tons of CO2 from the atmosphere.
The CO2 is to be permanently removed from the atmosphere or used as a raw material, which ensures that no fossil energy has to be burnt elsewhere. Overall, this reduces the CO2 content of the atmosphere by 100 tons.
The supporters are immortalised on a memorial stone. This is because they support a breakthrough technology that can play a central role in combating climate change.
In addition, we want to make it known worldwide that this technology exists and we should and should use it to limit the CO2 content of the atmosphere.