#LivinGenevaFuture community

di Diana Casalis


LivinGeneva wants to help and inspire people to enjoy and make the most out of their stay in Geneva.
Help us build our platform to share Valuable and Insightful tips and information for Geneva!

CHF 39’465

157% di CHF 25’000

157 %
Come funziona

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

178 sostenitori

Concluso con successo il 21.4.2020


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  • #womenpower #everyoneisatalent #peoplemakethedifference #boldwomen

    Sébastien Bergerat il 18.4.2020 14:40

    Risposta 0
  • Good luck ladies!

    Olivia Meiners il 17.4.2020 17:40

    Risposta 0
  • Parce que c’est génial d’oser être entrepreneur et que ça n’est pas facile :) j’ai envie de soutenir le business local et je trouve l’initiative top.

    Nadia il 16.4.2020 18:17

    Risposta 0
  • Loving so much this project and each profile!
    I've been following LivingGeneva over the last 3 years and has never stopped surprising me with discovering new things.
    Keep going Diana & #bossgirls !! :-) xx

    TANUA il 14.4.2020 14:58

    Risposta 0
  • Très belle initiative ! Il s'avère que je connais 2 des entreprises et que je souhaite également les soutenir dans cette période difficiles.

    LudovicR. il 14.4.2020 13:03

    Risposta 0
  • Hello lovely.
    Sorry je t'ai pas envoyé ma proposition à temps pour le crowdfunding.
    Superbe initiative! Besos fuerte. Yasmina de Street

    yasmina il 7.4.2020 20:04

    Risposta 0
  • Good luck ! :)

    @alibao il 7.4.2020 19:35

    Risposta 0
  • I join this crowdfunding because those businesses need even more help during Corona virus time!!! And because I like that is to support women business!

    Ilaria il 7.4.2020 19:16

    Risposta 0
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