Why we need you!
Hello Geneva!
My name is Diana and I am the founder of livingeneva.com a blog made to help and inspire people to enjoy and make the most out of living in Geneva.
In the wake of the COVID-19 many small businesses are struggling in to cover their fixed costs and survive this crisis, that is why I invited 9 women entrepreneurs to join me for this crowdfunding.
A couple of months ago I started a MAJOR re-branding for LivinGeneva, so that it can evolve from a simple blog to a local platform to serve people living in Geneva and also give visibility and serve local entrepreneurs and brands in the city.
Due to the prevailing circumstances I am in a difficult situation of asking the team to put this project on-hold. This broke my heart, because I know how much effort and work, we have all put into this, and I believe in the amazing benefits it will bring to the LivinGeneva community and the whole city.
I am asking you today to support this project, because by helping us finish this project you are helping hundreds of people. From future comers of Geneva, to locals looking for information and local businesses to have visibility and find their community. We are looking forward to growing and be able to serve more people with amazing content, stories and also products and services we will create together!
There is no small contributions 5, 10, 20 or 50 CHF will make a HUGE difference!!!!
PLUS: Everyone that participates in this project, donors and all the partners will have their name in a special page in the new WEBSITE! I CANNOT do this without you and I will be forever grateful to everyone that participates in it!
My project is special because ... #girlpower
I invited 9 women business owners to do this with me, to help them surf this crisis with hope!
They are all driven, inspiring, creative and hard-working women business owners that make Geneva a great place to live in. They have all taken risks to launch, grow and sustain their businesses. They often have employees, high fixed costs and even a family to sustain.
By helping me you are helping THEM too! We are all in this together and I deeply believe we are going to make this happen!
Who are we?
- Olga from Christie’s Bakery @christies_bakery
- Carola & Francesca from Pamé Flowers @pame__flowers
- Vanja from Couture Hats by Vanja Jocic @byvanjajocic
- Sarah from Frame @framebysarahbattikha
- Renata, Mariana & Ana-Paola from Kids Time Club @kidstime.club
- Fabienne from Avinas Jewelry @avinasjewelry
- Nadia from La Garde Robe @lagarderobe.ch
- Marie from Get me Glow @getmeglow_beauty
- Vanja from Law-rence.ch @law_rence.ch
- Diana from livingeneva.com @livingeneva
This is what I need backing for.
We are asking for 25,000 CHF as a first goal to help us all!
The money raised will be used to pay for the re-branding of LivinGeneva and the salaries of the people working for it.
When you buy a voucher from a partner 90% of the money goes to them and the rest for the re-branding & crowdfunding campaign.
Each partner will use the funds to cover for their businesses fixed goals & everyday activities.
LivinGeneva Re-Branding: The re-branding consists on doing a deep research and analysis on the current community, content and channels. With the funds we will build the website, fund all the graphic design and templates for the website and Social Media, pay photographers and project managers to continue the project.
By helping me continue with this project you are contributing into the salary and benefits of more than 10 people, without counting the people that will benefit from the voucher you will buy from the other brands.
We will use these funds to pay (among others):
- Web designers
- 2 project managers
- 1 Intern
- Several programmers
- Graphic designers
- Photographers & more….
There is NO small contribution to this project we are ALL LIVINGENEVA