The 21st Century Milkman
We all know that single use plastic packaging is a big problem and generates huge amounts of waste. Like us, a lot of people are now searching for ways to reduce plastic waste, but at the moment there are no simple and convenient solutions out there.
We want to change that!
Lyfa is the modern-day milkman, an online store and delivery service for plastic free groceries. You order all your products online and we deliver everything in reusable packaging directly to your door (you can also come to collect it from us if you prefer). When you’re finished, keep hold of any empty containers and during your next delivery we will collect them, wash them and reuse them again and again. With Lyfa, plastic free grocery shopping is finally simple, convenient and affordable!
More and more people are deciding to move towards a reduced-waste lifestyle by shopping at plastic free stores. We think plastic free stores are great, but not everyone can get to them during their normal routine and they often require more time and effort – that’s why we decided to build Lyfa.

Who are we?
We are Michael, Lewys and Larissa, the creators of Lyfa. Larissa comes from Basel and is specialised in marketing and communications while Michael and Lewys are both engineers from the UK. Now we are all based in Basel, we’ve started this exciting journey to help reduce Switzerland’s plastic waste and make it easy for everyone along the way! We have experienced first-hand just how hard it can be to reduce our plastic waste and like most people we are ready to make changes to our lifestyle just as long as they are simple and convenient. This is exactly the reason we started Lyfa.
Our engineering and marketing experience means we are well suited to bring this service to life, and with the support of The Startup Academy Basel, Innosuisse, Basel Unverpackt and of course you, we are excited and confident for what lies ahead of us.

What comes next
The next chapter of Lyfa means we need to deliver more orders, have a bigger product range, buy a whole load of reusable containers and reduce the time it takes to clean them. We also want to make our website much easier for everyone to use, making it more convenient and easy to order exactly what you want!
That’s where you come in! We’re crowdfunding to raise money to bring the full Lyfa experience to life, starting in Basel! We’re trying to raise 22,000 CHF for the following items;
- Cargo Bike x 2
- Industrial Dishwasher
- Containers (A lot!)
- Refresh and expand our website
- Paying the rent for our warehouse
What is your reward?
By taking part in the crowdfunding campaign you will have the opportunity to gain exclusive early access to the Lyfa service before we open it up to the general public. We are offering contributors exclusive early access to Lyfa for a number of months before we roll out the service to the public. This means opening up the service to customers in «waves». Our estimated timeline is as follows:
Wave 1 access: Early February 2020
Wave 2 access: Mid February 2020
Wave 3 access: Early March 2020
Wave 4 access: Mid March 2020
Public access: Early May 2020
On top of this we are also giving away loads of free deliveries and vouchers. You can see all our rewards in the list on the right-hand side of this page.