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Microtone-Duplex Trumpet

von Tassos Tataroglou


The Microtone-Duplex is a trumpet with two bells and integrated keys for microtones! A project to be realised in collaboration with the workshop of Egger, specialist of historic brass from Basel.

CHF 4’525

100% von CHF 4’500

100 %
So funktioniert’s

Es gilt das «Alles oder Nichts»-Prinzip: Nur wenn das Finanzierungsziel erreicht oder übertroffen wird, werden dem Projekt die Gelder ausgezahlt.

37 Unterstützer*innen

Erfolgreich abgeschlossen am 5.2.2017

Hour zero!Von Tassos Tataroglou, am 17.02.2017

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ar friends!

We are ready! We are happy! We did it! And very soon we are going to meet all together to celebrate it! More information about that is going to arrive to you with a personal message :)

Until then many greetings and best wishes!


Gerd Friedel and his assistant Janine Meier at Egger’s workshop.

Before the applause!Von Tassos Tataroglou, am 06.02.2017

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ar friends! Again and again a big THANK YOU :-)

Today I was in the workshop and we are just a small step before the finale of that huge and overwhelming process.

Here I would like to send you some photos from today. As I explained to you in one of the last messages, there are some changes in the first plan but we will have a hilarius result!

That’s all up to now! All the best to all of you until the next couple of days :)


Wemadeit!!!Von Tassos Tataroglou, am 01.02.2017

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ar friends!

We did it!!! We reached the target and the project is fully funded!!!

A huge THANKS to all of you! You are all a part of this innovation and each sound will have something from you :-)
It is a big moment for me the realisation of the target. Normally we should have Champaign for the campaign, but let’s keep the celebration for the first official concert with the Microtone-Duplex!

Viva la musica!

See you very soon!


PS: The news from the workshop are going to arrive to you soon! Stay in tune!

News!Von Tassos Tataroglou, am 30.01.2017

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ar supporters of the Microtone-Duplex, dear friends!

I am so glad and overwhelmed of the huge support I received from all of you! Thank you so much from the bottom of the heart!

Because of some technical problems it will take just a little bit longer to finish with the trumpet. Some things are going to be different from the first design of the instrument. After recalculating the second bell together with Gerd Friedel from Egger workshop, we decided that the best position for the second bell it would be to be in a kind of parallel position with the original bell of the instrument. The glissando function was impossible for the suggested position (at least not for the interval I was looking for). Thus it didn’t make any sense to go on with that plan. Instead of that the glissando function is going to be applied in the leadpipe of the instrument and the advantage of is that it is going to be possible for both bells of the instrument, although a little bit shorter. The delay we will have on the final result has to do with the construction of a special kind of valve which will allow to have sound in both bells of the instrument. So… I am asking for some patience from you until we arrive to the destination :) Whenever I have news I am going to communicate it with you as soon as possible.

All the best to everyone and have a great week!

Wow!Von Tassos Tataroglou, am 21.01.2017

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ar supporters of the Microtone-Duplex!

A great thank you again for being a part of that innovation!
Here there is first photo with the keys from the workshop. Enjoy:

So the keys are on, and now we will start working with the second slide bell :) Stay in tune!
There are only 14 days to go for the end of the campaign, so please take some time to forward it to friends who might be interested in supporting it!

Best wishes to all of you from Basel and see you around soon :)

Some stuff from the workshop!Von Tassos Tataroglou, am 18.01.2017

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Here together with the ancestor! On the left the unfished microtone trumpet and on the right a keyd trumpet as it was developed from Anton Weidinger probably in 1770, for which Haydn composed his famous trumpet concerto in Eb in 1796 :-)

It is a great pleasure when tradition finds a position in the present! Enjoy!!!

Thank you!!!Von Tassos Tataroglou, am 17.01.2017

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ar friends of the Microtone-Duplex!

Thank you very much for the support! We made the 50% thanks to all of you! I am so overwhelmed receiving your support! Until the end of that week we will have some process in the laboratory!

Here a little present for all of you, the video of a jam session of my audio-visual improvisation duo «incounterpoint vol.1» from last November in the Music Academy of Basel. A project to experiment the counterpoint between vision and hearing:


I wish you a nice week full of the best for everybody!

Little present!Von Tassos Tataroglou, am 12.01.2017

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Here is the recording of a solo improvisation I played in the Music Academy of Basel on 5th December 2016. Played with live electronics. Enjoy!


Thank you!!!Von Tassos Tataroglou, am 12.01.2017

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ar friends of the Microtone-Duplex!

Cordial thanks for your support!
There are some nice news I would like to share with you.
The trumpet is already in the workshop of Egger and is waiting patiently for the operation :)
Three microtone keys are going to be added, which will offer –for the first time in the history- the opportunity to use microtones from 1/8 of the tone up to 3/4 of the tone!! That is going to be a beautiful achievement and it wouldn’t have been possible without your kind support!

As soon as it is possible to share some photos or video with you, I am going to do it with big pleasure!

I would like to thank you very much for being part of this project!

We are all a part of the history of development of the trumpet and, even more, in a so social way like this!

Best regards to all and see you soon!