A collection of 10 leporellos. An exceptional silk-screen printed literary and artistic piece. Each leporello comes with a podcast. Every month, for 10 months, a gift for someone you love!

CHF 20’720

103% of CHF 20’000

103 %
This is how it worksä

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

134 backers

Successfully concluded on 16/10/2022


lepoissonvolant.ch is a transmedia editorial project offering a new literary and artistic experience.

After the success of the «déjantérotiques» collection, Le Poisson volant is now launching a new exceptional project: Motionless Travels (Les Voyages immobiles).

A collection of 10 leporellos, short stories written by 10 authors illustrated by the young Fribourg artist Silvain Monney.


A unique literary and artistic object in an elegant 110x220 mm format, silk-screen printed on high quality Gmund Hanf (hemp) paper. Each zig-zag book contains the complete story, one or more illustrations by Silvain Monney and an audio link. Each leporello is bound by hand.


Every book comes with a podcast. The texts are accompanied by a range of strong voices: singer and actress Yvette Théraulaz, actor Michel Voïta, actress Sophie Pasquet Racine and writer Pierre Crevoisier.


10 tasty texts have been selected by a reading committee:

  • Anaïs Hébrard, Mon DC3
  • Laurence Gay-Pinelli, Rose Rosa
  • Jo Pellet, E la nave va
  • Jean Prétôt, Dunsimi
  • Vivienne Baillie Gerritsen, Retours
  • Noémie Goy, La voix de sortie
  • Marie Javet, Ethernam
  • Hélène Dormond, Par échappées
  • Mary Wenker, The Game
  • Jean-Jacques Busino, La quête de l’espadon
  • The model
    The model
  • The model
    The model
  • The model
    The model
  • The stamp
    The stamp
  • Michel Voïta, actor
    Michel Voïta, actor
  • Yvette Théraulaz, actress
    Yvette Théraulaz, actress
  • Sophie Pasquet Racine, actress
    Sophie Pasquet Racine, actress
  • Pierre Crevoisier, editor
    Pierre Crevoisier, editor

Literature that can be touched, smelled, heard and read

We are going to create exceptional literary objects, rare pieces situated between a book and a work of art. Every detail will count: the concept of the object itself - the leporello; its silk-screen printing; the choice of paper - a Gmund Hanf (hemp); the handmade binding. We will innovate, even in the way we pass on these objects to readers. Today, there is clearly roomfor singular and more daring literary explorations: tactile, handmade and artistic At the end of 2021, still in the midst of a pandemic, a call for texts was launched. The travel themef responded to the weird years we lived at a standstill. Of the sixty or so proposals received, 10 caught the attention of our publishing committee, made up of Martine Béguin and Jean-Marie Félix, both passionate about culture and literature at RTS and Espace 2, and Pierre Crevoisier, the publisher of Le Poisson volant.

This selection of those 10 short stories will be published each month throughout 2023.They will be mainly distributed by subscription.

Silvain Monney is a young artist from Fribourg whose sensitivity and talent have long interested us. His highly contrasted universe, his black and white work inspired by cut-out paper, the subtlety of his shadows, will rightly accompany those very human stories.

Sound podcasts will also be associated with this collection. This companionship of the written word and sound is one of the major elements of the Poisson volant’s identity. Some prestigious voices will be involved in the adventure: Yvette Théraulaz, Michel Voïta and Sophie Pasquet Racine.

The leporello will be printed by a passionate Thomas Mottet, of the Colormakerz silk-screen printing workshop in Chavornay. A craftsman-artist, he does not spare his time or energy in the quest for perfection. The first issue of the series will be published in October 2022.

  • Anaïs Hébrard, author / St.Pierre-et-Miquelon
    Anaïs Hébrard, author / St.Pierre-et-Miquelon
  • Hélène Dormond, author / Prangins
    Hélène Dormond, author / Prangins
  • Jean-Jacques Busino, author / Versoix
    Jean-Jacques Busino, author / Versoix
  • Jean Prétôt, author / Alle
    Jean Prétôt, author / Alle
  • Jo Pellet, author / Lausanne
    Jo Pellet, author / Lausanne
  • Laurence Gay Pinelli, author / Lyon
    Laurence Gay Pinelli, author / Lyon
  • Marie Javet, author / Le Bouveret
    Marie Javet, author / Le Bouveret
  • Mary Wenker, author / Matran
    Mary Wenker, author / Matran
  • Noémie Goy, author / Rennes
    Noémie Goy, author / Rennes
  • Vivienne Baillie Gerritsen, author / Cuarnens
    Vivienne Baillie Gerritsen, author / Cuarnens

A new literary and artistic experience

Your contribution will enable a remarkable experiment. You are not just helping finance a mere publication project. Le Poisson volant is much more than that: it is a place where artists from different backgrounds can meet and talk to each other. You will live a new literary and artistic experience. And then, imagine that you will receive each month, for 10 months, a remarkable gift in your mailbox: a carefully made, hand-bound book object, wrapped in pretty coloured paper… Just think: something to offer the person you love most (and if it’s yourself, that’s fine too)!

  • Silvain Monney, artist
    Silvain Monney, artist
  • dessin de Silvain Monney
    dessin de Silvain Monney
  • drawing by Silvain Monney
    drawing by Silvain Monney
  • drawing by Silvain Monney
    drawing by Silvain Monney