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Mr. Hirsch – Gymsacks

by Peter Müller


Super trendy organic cotton gymsacks. With high quality prints. Each bag is unique. Numbered collection.

CHF 2’464

123% of CHF 2’000

123 %
This is how it works

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

74 backers

Successfully concluded on 23/8/2013

Online Shop


Update No. 1

These are the first two gymsack of my new flower fabric collection They’re 100% hand made and come in two different Typs.

Typ 1: Classic gymsack (40.- CHF)

Typ 2: Classic gymsack with zippered compartment and leather corners (60.- CHF)

Up to now I’ve got two different fabrics (more to come). After the campaign I will contact you to get the information about the fabric type you would like to receive.

Who I am...

I’m Peter a 19 years old student from Switzerland. In High School through the art class I started to have an interest in design. What had begun as a simple interest became a passion. So I decided to study design in the coming fall.

How I came to this idea

To prepare myself for the university, I keep track of the latest trends not only industrial designs but also fashion designs. Through last year, fashionable bagpackes became in again, so I tried to predict what would be hot in this summer. My target group was my friends in the first place, I asked myself what they would love. I concluded that the bag has to be light weighted, handy and hipster. On the streets, I saw some young people carring gymsacks by Nike and I got excited with gymsacks since they fit the criterias. I wanted to design my own prints. For the graduation, I had to do project, so I combined my design idea with the project.

Why I need your support

As my graduation project had such a high demand, I couldn’t print so many bags on my own anymore. This led to that I have to switch to a professional screen printer. No worry, the products wil keep their individuality and stay the same. Only the printing process will be carried out by professional manufacturers. Besides that, the numbers will still be hand made by me. Through the professional printing your gymsacks will receive even a higher quality. The shipping inside Switzerland is included in the price. If you would like me to ship the product international, please leave a comment and I’ll will figure out the shipping rates for you.

Since I would like to switch to a professional screen printer, I need a minimum order quantity to start production. I hope you’ll love my design and help me to bring this product to life.

No. 1 No. 2 No 3. ...

Although screen printing lets all the copies look identical to each other, the numbers give every single bag an individual identity. I came across this idea, because I like indivdual designs myself. In the times of commercial mass productions, it got more and more difficult to find unique products.

The Prints

Natürlich die Turnbeutel. Je nach dem wie gross der Betrag ist, mit welchem du das Projekt unterstützt, erhältst du eine gewisse Anzahl an Turnbeuteln. (Was die Designs angeht, kannst du natürlich frei aus den Verfügbaren wählen). Der Versand innerhalb der Schweiz ist im Preis enthalten. (Internationalen Versand habe ich noch nicht abgeklärt, kann dies bei Interesse jedoch machen.)

Die Turnbeutel:

Alle Turnbeutel sind aus 100% Organic Cotton (Naturfarben). Das Motiv ist mittels Siebdruck auf den Turnbeutel gedruckt. Um eine gewisse Individualität zu erhalten sind die Beutel jedes Designs durchnummeriert. (Die Nummer ist sowohl auf dem Beutel als auch auf dem Label) Jede Nummer gibt es bei allen Motiven nur einmal! Was alle Beutel zu einem Unikat macht.

Ich hoffe dir gefallen die Turnbeutel und ich würde mich sehr über deine Unterstützung freuen. :)

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