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Selina is the good soul of Mulimuli. She treats our guests with amazing home cooked African and European meals and makes sure our home really looks like a home. She also has the most muscles in our team even though Kenny would never admit it.
Selina is our prime example of what we want to achieve with Mulimuli. Two years ago she did not speak English at all. She has been studying and is able to hold a conversation without a problem. Further she purchased three goats and two chickens to be more independent. She also started her own fish frying business where she employed a young woman. This is what Mulimuli is all about. Giving young people the opportunity to make their own livelihood.
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!! Halftime !!
Many thanks to those who have supported us so far! However, there is still a long way to go - don’t forget to tell your friends, cousins, co-workers, teachers, professors, grandmothers, your bosses, hairdresser, taxi driver and whoever about Mulimuli!
Today you are meeting another one of our team members: Kenny is the manager of the hostel and the premises. He is incredibly creative not only in finding solutions, but also in crafts. He is an environmental scientist and has a lot of ideas in how to make the world a better and more sustainable place. Always full of energy, he is our entertainer and makes the hostel a place of excitement.
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Meet our team! Today we start with the introduction of our team! The first person we are introducing to you is Teddy, who is obviously the owner and founder of Teddy’s Home Hostel and our Mama House. She is the person you will communicate with when you book your stay and she is also the one who will make sure you feel at home while you’re here. You will soon realize that without her loving and affectionate spirit Mulimuli and THH wouldn’t be the same.
Teddy will mostly be responsible for administrative tasks within Mulimuli. She knows how to handle a business in Tanzania (lots of paperwork needed) and hopefully she can one day teach that to people from our community in workshops and mentoring programs.
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Hey Mulimulis
I think all of our wondeful current backers just got a strange email - mixed German and English Blabla about the name of our project (I accidentally hit the enter key).
Sorry for that! I asked Simba to make a Imsoembarrassedandsorry-face together with me, but apparently she doesn’t think it is that big of a deal.
We are going to write some news here in the next few weeks. Especially keen on introducing all these wonderful people one after another! Keep following us and spread the word - there is still a long way to go, but together WE MAKE IT!:)
Greets and hugs from the Mulimuli Team
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Speaking of which: have you wondered why our project has this extraordinary name Mulimuli? Mulimuli is actually the Swahili word for Christmas lights. When we first started our idea of opening a hostel/community center we thought Christmas lights would make a good addition to our bar. Now this word has become a synonym for us being together, sharing ideas, cultures and just having fun.
Moreover, the idea of a christmas light chain also beautifully reflects what we would like to achieve in our community: create inspiration for change in a chain reaction.