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After having received so many generous donations we’ve reached our goal! You can’t imagine how moved we are that all of you want to help us chase our dreams. We wouldn’t have made it without your awesomeness!
On March the 2nd we will travel to Parma Italy to record our album «Obey» and we will make sure to post some studio updates for you on our homepage:
In the meantime let your friends know that we haven’t quite reached the end yet! We still have plenty of rewards to offer, and maybe if we can push this a bit further we will even be able to have a Pizza down there instead of only bread and water ;)
Anyways once more: THANK YOU SO MUCH for your help!!
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Thanks to all of YOU, we made it to more than 70% in half of the available time!!
But this is definitely not the moment to sit back and put our feet up. There’s still a long way to go, and we need all of your help to make this project a success.
Tell your family, friends and colleagues to chip in. We’re giving our best to always add new rewards, maybe there’s something in there that can be used as a Valentines Day present for your significant other… And I’m sure some of you don’t want to miss our private pre-release concert with free drinks and a free copy of the CD.
Anyways, long story short: LETS MAKE THESE LAST DAYS COUNT!!
Love, Mycelia
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And we’re half way there. Thank you so much for the incredible support!
We love you all!
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We’ve already reached 35% of our donation goal! We can’t believe how generous you guys have been. Thank you so much again!
We wish you all the best for the rest of your holidays!!
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Already more than 10 people have backed our project! There’s no better Christmas Present you could have given to us!!
Thank you so much for helping us out!
Merry Christmas everyone!!!