A social impact project that hires street children and unemployed youth from slums as city guides in Nairobi to put their unique street skills into practice in order to earn a regular income.

CHF 5’000

102% di CHF 4’900

102 %
Come funziona

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

23 sostenitori

Concluso con successo il 13.7.2018

We give a lost generation an opportunity in life!

Please check the video on top to learn more about Nai Nami!

How is it possible that youth from slums with impressive street skills and inspiring life stories don’t have a future, only because they lack a school degree? We are a social enterprise in Nairobi (Kenya) that builds on the street skills of disadvantaged youth from slums to give them an opportunity to have a job, a regular income and a future in life. We develop innovative business opportunities to enable them to officially create value with their street skills and life stories which they acquired during their daily struggles in the streets.

The first business we created - Nai Nami Tours - gives former street children of Nairobi an opportunity to work as city guides for tourists and expats. During a personal, one-on-one, walking tour in Nairobi Downtown with the guides, our clients get the opportunity to experience the real Nairobi through the eyes of street children. It is all about exchange! Clients learn from their street skills, they can ask all their questions, get the real insights into their way of life and get inspired and captivated by their life stories and ghetto-energy. The exchange that occurs during the tour inspires both, the youth guides as well as our clients.

As of today, we work with 5 guides who earn a monthly salary, and we have hosted more than 400 clients from 45 different countries on our tour. The number of bookings are increasing every month!

We focus on strengths instead of weaknesses!

Nai Nami flips the model of common NGOs offering «help» to the youth. We believe that being disadvantaged doesn’t necessarily mean you need charity, instead it can also be an opportunity. Being disadvantaged youth from a slum (school drop-outs, street children, hustlers, ex-criminals) can make you acquire impressive skills in the streets and a life story that has to be shared with the world.

Instead of focusing on the youth’s weakness (lack of education), Nai Nami develops new businesses that builds on the youth’s strengths (street skills and life stories). Youth are highly motivated and committed to Nai Nami as for the first time in their life they get a sense of recognition and pride by officially creating value for society.

As we speak, more businesses are already in a pilot phase: Our guides offer Sheng lessons, which is the Kiswahili street slang, to make tourists and foreigners more street smart while facing daily interactions with local people.

We want to grow to promote the Nai Nami approach globally!

Finance & Compliance / CHF 700: We have to create employment contracts and register the guides with the pension fund and health insurance

Marketing / CHF 700: An expert has to create our social media strategy as well as print posters, flyers, business cards etc.

Documentary / CHF 900: We are shooting a short film about our project to promote the Nai Nami approach globally through the right influencers.

Skill development / CHF 800: We want the guides to attend events and workshops to expose them to trainings.

Project expansion / CHF 900: We have to do field-research and create material for our new projects (sheng lesson & women project)

Incorporation / CHF 400: We need a lawyer to obtain the business permit.

Web development / CHF 500: Our website has to be finalised with videos and the SEO has to be done.

If we are lucky and exceed the target of CHF 4,900, the money will be used to immediately hire more youth!

Thank you very much for changing lives!